Chapter 9 - Confess

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(Y/n)'s POV:

When it was getting closer to lunch, Smoker and I headed to the kitchen. The chiefs were confused of our arrival but didn't say anything. Smoker walked over to a pot of soup and put in some of the hot-red-chili flakes I gave him.

One of the chiefs made their way over to us. "Um, sir. What are you doing?"

"I'm adding some spice to the soup. As I have had enough of the pranks that Claus has been playing on me, I think I should get pay back." Smoker explained to the chief.

The cook nodded as he understood. Claus's pranks were starting to get out of hand. I think everyone is sick of them by now. The man walked away and headed back to prepare other dishes, leaving Smoker to pour some of the spiced out of the bag into the pot.

"How much are you planning on putting in?" I asked looking over his shoulder.

He answered, "About a quarter of a bag."

I nodded and once he was done, we walked out of the kitchen. Now, we just had to wait until lunch was served. Though, it made me wonder how Claus was going to add the spice to Smoker's food. Would he just put some in the food while the vice admiral wasn't looking? Or was he planning to do the same thing as we were?

I shook my head. It didn't matter. What's done was done and for Smoker, we were going to swap lunches, just in case Claus added some chili powder. We sat down on the benches and waited for everyone else to come. Smoker and I already had our food, though we were going to swap after Claus gets his.

After a few minutes, we saw Claus entering the room. I was chatting with Smoker, but we both noticed that he added some chili powder to Smoker's curry. Once he was out of sight, I looked over at my boss.

"Welp, here's my food, that doesn't have any chili powder."

He smirked. "Thanks, and here is my food which in fact, as chili powder because someone idiot decided to prank me."

I giggled and we traded. We watched as Claus sat down across the room and was staring at us. We grinned as Smoker ate his food and didn't get any allergic reactions, surprising my partner. We watched as his eyes widened and his mouth opened.

I saw him pout in the corner as has got a spoon full of the curry and ate it. Nothing happened, but that was fine. It was apart of the plan and the spice was in the soup, not the curry. Then, he grabbed his bowl that contained the days soup. He started to drink it but stopped halfway.

I leaned closely, and I also saw Smoker do the same thing. I giggled to myself and saw that my partner was starting to twitch. Then I saw his hands scratching himself all over. It continued and red dots started to appear on his body. People in the dining area stopped eating, as they all watched Claus.

He got up and started to itch himself. In a way, it looked like he was doing a weird dance, so people started to laugh. Everyone in the room was. I glanced over to the person next to me and saw he was also laughing with a huge smile.

Heat rushed into my face and my heart started to beep faster. I looked away trying to calm myself down, though it was sort of hard if the person was right next to me. Either way, laughter was filling the room and I saw Claus blush in embarrassment.

He ran out of the room, while he continued to scratch himself. Even though he had left, the base was filled with laughter. I was smiling and Smoker right next to me, seemed to be happy to have his pay back.

After that day, Claus seemed to have learnt his lesson and stopped the pranks he pulled on the vice admiral. He started to join me for training and was a little more serious and less careless. Though, he did some pranks on everyone here and there, but nothing to major.

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