Chapter 10 - Epilogue

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(Y/n)'s POV:

After a few years, I took the seat of Fleet Admiral from the magma bastard and started a new justice. Smoker was right by me the whole time along with Claus and Tashigi. We were a team of 4, which changed the marines twisted justice. All their ranks went up and we were starting our lives.

Surprisingly, Tashigi and Claus were in love with each other and were now engaged. They were pretty much partners, since were swapped. Once Smoker and I announced our relationship to others, the navy-haired swordswoman suggested to swap partners and that happened.

G5 was one of the marines' strongest bases, but they were still seen as bad guys, though that was never true. Ok, maybe, but not all the time. They supported my relationship with Smoker, so they weren't that bad. It was funny when they saw Smoker laugh. Their reactions were so funny.

I got busier, as I was now on the top seat, though my partner seemed to help me with it, which I was grateful for. Hr never left my side, and he became good friends with Strawhat Luffy, after the new justice was implied.

Oh, we also got rid of the celestial dragons. I mean, who likes them anyway? The people seemed to be happy that they were gone, which made me happy. The nobles were also done, since no one likes them.

What also made me happy was that Smoker and I were both married. It happened after we took the magma dude, and then after that, we took his job. Then we had a lot to fix. When that was done, I started to get pregnant with our child.

A few more years later, I had twins, two boys, and they were training to be marines. Smoker seemed to loosen up more, making Claus happy. Though Claus and Tashigi were married, they became my kids' favourite uncle and aunt. Claus kept on teaching them how to prank their father, which made me get a bit violent with him, but nothing too big.

The twins look exactly alike. They had Smoker's grey hair but had my (e/c). They were named Haro and Haru. You couldn't tell the difference apart from their messy hair. Haro had his hair laid back like Smoker, while Haru had his messy hair all over the place.

Overall, I was happy, and I had a new life, where I hoped that was peaceful for everyone. I made sure that the marines under me will never destroy the peace and protect it. I'm also sure that my two boys will help me protect it no matter what, along with my husband, Smoker.

The End
This story was requested wagnerreborn00. 
I hope you enjoyed this book.
Until next time! 

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