Chapter 7 - Failed

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(Y/n)'s POV:

It's been more months since Claus, and I were assigned with this mission. I've tried Tashigi's advice and avoid Smoker, but it's not working. I still have my feelings for him, but I'm keeping my distance. It's also getting stronger; the advice is doing the opposite of what it's supposed to do!

I just push the thought out of my mind and try and focus on what's in front of me. This was why I didn't want to have a crush, yet my heart was stolen by my boss.

Anyway, Claus's pranks continued, and Smoker was chasing him around the base at least once every week. By doing this I met up with the vice admiral at least once every week. I would also chat to him, making sure that he wasn't suspicious of me, while I would sometimes talk to Tashigi about random things.

Today was the day that Claus was going to do another stupid prank. I just let him be for now, knowing it couldn't be that bad and continued my training.

In the afternoon, I saw Claus sneaking into Smoker's office as I was passing by. He had a small box in his hand and entered the room. I followed him to see what he was doing. I stood by the door as Claus went deeper inside the office. Reaching Smoker's jacket, he opened the box he was carrying. Taking out the cigars in the pockets, he replaced them with cigar-shaped fireworks.

He giggled to himself as he closed the box, which had some of Smoker's cigars in them. I sighed telling him about my presence. He flinched a bit, as he turned his head back slowly.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

I sighed in relief to know it was just me. "Oh nothing. It's the usual pranks."

I crossed my arms. "You know he's going to get pissed. It's the third prank today."'

"But I can't help it." He complained.

I shook my head in disappointment and in embarrassment. How could I have such a childish partner?

"If you're going to do this, don't say I warned you." I said looking back at him.

I turned and left him in the office, as I headed outside to do my training.

Smoker's POV:

I got back to my office after giving some orders to some of the marines at the base. I sighed as I opened the door and sat in my seat. I really could use a cigar. It was stressful to keep my calm from all the bastard's pranks. It was getting on my nerves, and I couldn't help but want to kill him.

I reached out for my jacket and grabbed a cigar from its pockets. I also grabbed a lighter from its pockets as well. When I placed the cigar in my mouth, I lighted up and it started to smoke. Though, there was something different. It wasn't thee usual grey smoke, instead it was black.

While I was wondering, it suddenly happened. The supposed cigar started to light up in colours and it was popping. I threw it out of my mouth, as it continued to light up. It got louder and the colours of sparks were getting brighter.

Once it stopped, I glared at the door. I knew who it was, and I had enough. I'm not going to put up with it. I'm going to have him moved, and for that I need evidence, which I should be able to get from his room.

I stormed out of my office and made my way to Claus's room. I had an extra key to his room, as I was vice admiral and their boss. I used it to get into his room and I started to look all over the place. When I searched the draws, I found it.

The label was written as 'cigar-shaped fireworks', so it wasn't hard to miss. Grabbing it, I used the excuse as confiscating them to take them away and use them as evidence. I walked out Claus's room and headed back to the office.

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