Chapter 5 - Reason

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(Y/n)'s POV:

It's been at least a month since my partner and I have joined G5, though it seems like Claus's pranks on the vice admiral didn't stop. Instead, it has gotten worse. Smoker is always annoyed with Claus, but makes himself calm, so he wouldn't snap.

Everyday was filled with laughter in the base, though it wasn't fun for Smoker. He was being targeted every day. All the stupid pranks he was the victim to, was always Claus's idea.

Waking up, I decided it was time to talk to Claus. Sure, he was troublesome, but not this troublesome. Back at HQ, he would only prank people once or twice a week, not every day. It changed once we were G5, making me feel like he was enjoying this more than anything.

I got changed into my marine uniform and grabbed my lance. Walking out of the room, I headed to the eating area for breakfast. Also, Claus was always there ahead of time, laughing with the other members of G5. Speaking about them, they don't seem to be ignoring me like the others. They did threaten me, but what do you expect?

They never saw me around, and they were the misfits of the marines because they were different and more violent than the others. Even so, I think they're fine. Once getting to know them, it seemed that they are marines at heart and are human.

Once reaching the dining area, I saw Smoker yelling at Claus.

"Stop with the stupid pranks Claus!" Smoker yelled while Claus was laughing his butt off. Smoker saw that he wasn't getting to him, so he picked him up by the collar. "I'm serious, stop."

Claus continued to laugh. "But your always serious. Lighten up and take the joke."

"Not if you do it every day! It's bothersome!" Smoker shouted, which made the other members of G5 back away like they have nothing to do with it.

After a few pranks and how they all saw Claus get away with it, they decided to help Claus to prank the vice admiral, which I don't think is a good idea. Smoker knows this and sent those who had 'helped' to do extra training and clean up duty.

"But it's like old times! Didn't you have fun back in the day? I'm just recreating it!" Claus said like it was very reasonable for someone to prank and target their boss every day.

Smoker gained more tick marks on his forehead. "I don't fucking want you to recreate the times you annoyed me."

"Don't be like that Smokey!" Exclaimed the auxiliary officer.

Smoker growled. "Don't push me Claus. For punishment, as Vice Admiral and your boss, I order you to wash the floors of the entire base."

"WHAT!? Smokey, you can't do this to me." Whined my partner as I sighed. I did warn him after all.

"I can and I did. It's an order!"

My airheaded partner pouted by gave in. "Fine, whatever!"

Smoker let go of the white-haired auxiliary officer and walked away, glaring at everyone he passed and looked at him. Once he was gone, I walked over to Claus, who was just sitting there with his pouted face and his arms crossed.

"I told you not to push your luck." I said with an unimpressed expression. I sat down next to him, since there was no one who didn't stay, since Smoker clearly expected them to work and wasn't going easy for anyone who was slacking off. "Now look where it got you. Why are you even doing this anyway?"

Claus faced me and asked, "What do you mean?"

I stared at him. "I've been with you for years now Claus, of course I noticed."

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