Chapter 4 - It Starts

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Once it reached noon, I stopped my training and got up from my bed. I grabbed my weapon and brought it with me. I got out of my room, and I was sure that Claus would be already there, so I headed over there by myself.

When I reached the eating area, it was filled with people. God, I wanted to turn away, but I had to stay as I was getting introduced to these people, so they don't think I'm an intruder or something. I saw Claus on the other side of the room, laughing along with some other people, who I'm guessing was from G5.

Man, they look all roughened up. But who cares? As I was watching them, I heard stomping from the hallways. I turned to see a soaked Vice Admiral Smoker. He still had his cigarette in his mouth, but it was wet along with his hair and clothes.

Some burst out laughing at their leader, while others were snickering. I continued to watch Smoker who had an enraged and annoyed expression. I pitied him. I wouldn't want people laughing at me. Who would do such a thing?

That was something I would ask, but I lookedover across to the other side of the room. I saw Claus laughing his ass off andI knew he was the one who did it. Why did I even warn him to behave?

Claus's POV:

I was getting bored in my room, so I decided to walk around the base. It was almost lunch and I had already made some friends from the G5 base. They weren't that bad, and I had prank I wanted to do with them.

"Pike! I have an idea!" I screamed as Pike turned to face me.

"Oh? And that is?"

I explained, "You know how Smokey is never happy or always stiff and stern?"

"Yeah?" Pike raised a brow. "Where are you going with this?"

I suggested, "We should prank him!"

"What!? Are you crazy!? You're trying to get yourself killed!" Pike exclaimed with a horrified expression on his face at the suggestion.

I shook my head. "I was sent from HQ; he can't just kill me. I have no crime on my record, while you... Never mind, you don't have to join, but you can watch, ok?"

Pike thought about it. "Fine, but if you get killed, not my fault, alright? What are you planning?"

"I'm going to do the oldest trick in the book." I declared. 

3rd person:

Before lunch, Smoker was doing some paperwork in his office, while Claus was sneaking outside. He had bucket of water. The door was slightly opened, so Claus smirked. He placed the bucket on the ledge of the door, so when Smoker walked out, he would get soaked in water.

Once it was all set up, Claus headed to the eating area, waiting for Smoker to make his appearance there. Spending his time with his new friends, making jokes and laughing with them. He told all of the about the prank he was pulling, and all of them couldn't wait, though they did pray that their new friend wouldn't die very soon.

Smoker's POV:

After finishing some of the paperwork, I decided to go and join the others for lunch. I stood up from my seat and headed over to the door, only to get soaked in water. There was a bucket and it fell from the door, hitting me in the head. I didn't want to use haki, as it would be used for battle, but seriously?

I got a tick mark on my head, and I stormed off to the eating area. When I entered, I was laughed at, and I saw that (Y/n) was giving me a pitied looked. Then I saw her look across the room to Claus. I knew it. It was him. He would always do this in the past. It was annoying.

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