Chapter 3 - Justice

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Claus was looking at me, but there was a serious expression. He probably knew what I was doing, since I always asked the same question to each person we were assigned to.

"(Y/n), you don't have to ask. Smokey is a good guy." Claus said with the smile no longer on his face. He stared at me straight in the eye.

"I need to know." I responded with the same expression he had. We were both serious as we stared at each other. Tashigi and Smoker could feel the tense, as they seemed to freeze. Smoker also seemed to be surprised by the seriousness in Claus's expression.

Claus looked away first, admitting defeat to my reasoning. He sighed. "Just get it over and done with."

I nodded and faced Smoker with a hard look, which he only returned. "Smoker, I have a question for you and do answer truthfully. If you lie, I will know."

"How would you know if I lie?" Smoker asked.

Claus turned and leaned against the chair. "She has a good gut feeling. When she feels trouble, there's trouble and when someone is lying, she can tell."

"I see." Smoker whispered. He looked back at me and said, "Ask your question."

I looked straight in his eyes. "What is justice to you?"

Smoker blinked. "What justice is to me?"

I nodded still waiting for an answer. He had no hesitation, and he had a determine look in his eyes. He answered, "Justice to punish those who have done wrong things and only those who have. No one else."

"What about Strawhat Luffy?" I questioned.

"Pardon?" Smoker looked confused.

I repeated. "What about Strawhat Luffy? What is your opinion on him?"

Smoker frowned. "Overall, he's not a bad guy, as he saved Alabasta and the children from Punk Hazard, but he has chosen the wrong side of law to do it."

"But do you think he has to get this 'justice'?" I asked. "What about Portgas D. Ace? Did he deserve to because his father was the late Pirate King? Does Monkey D. Luffy have the same fate, as his father is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon? What is your opinion on this?"

Tashigi eyes widened at the questions being thrown at Smoker as he frowned, though I didn't care. All I want is the answer to my questions. It seemed unfair. I disliked the justice that Akainu has, and many agreed with him. For me, it was sickening.

There was silence as Smoker sighed. "I don't think they deserve to die because of their fathers, but they have become pirates now. There is no excuse for them to escape. They both have bounties and Fire Fist died with half of the reason of being the late Pirate King's son, though I'm sure that Mugiwara won't let his father's name weigh him down."

I stared at Smoker. He wasn't lying. I kept my face stern as I had to make a confirmation. "What would happen if Strawhat Luffy saved your life, but was unconscious because of it, while you are alone with the rest of the marines under your control? What would you do? There would be the 1.5 billion beri pirate, laying there unable to defend himself. Would you capture him?"

"He saved my life, right?" Smoker asked, which I nodded. He sighed once again. "I would let him go for that once. The next time, he and I would be enemies."

I stared long and hard before I closed my eyes. "I see." Once I opened them again, I smiled. "I like you Smoker. You're a good marine that doesn't have twisted justice. We should have more people like you at the marine base."

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