Chapter 8 - Plan

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(Y/n)'s POV:

After the little stunt Claus did, he got huge punishment from Smoker, who was still somewhat embarrassed by the incident. The vice admiral has been keeping up his guard more often now, though I couldn't blame him. I would too if I was in his situation.

Claus continued with the jokes and pranks, though it started to reduce, which causes me to be suspicious. I have been with Claus for years and I know that he was up to something big, as he was planning something.

Since, I'm sick and tired of the pranks he has pulled for the past months we were here, so I was going to ask him what he's planning on doing and maybe tell Smoker.

Speaking of the man, I still had feelings for him, though I tried to get rid of them. Right now, he was chasing Strawhat Luffy, who was seen near the base. Lucky for me, I was in charge while he was gone with Tashigi. It gave me time away from him and it could help sort out my feelings, as when I tend to do so, he was always nearby, messing up my thoughts.

I sighed as I headed to Claus's room. Once reaching there, I knocked on the door. At first, there was no reply, so I knocked again. When I did, the door opened to reveal my white-haired partner.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm here to see what you're up to this time." I answered back with my arms crossed and I was standing, putting all my weight to one leg, so my hip was sticking out.

He looked in the other direction. "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about Claus. You have been pranking Smoker less than before and there wasn't a situation for you to." I explained. "I don't think you suddenly woke up and thought 'Oh, I should stop pulling pranks on Smoker. I don't want him to think I'm weird, so I'm going to prank him a few times to make sure that I'm not caught.' Come on Claus. I've been with you for years. I know how you think most of the time."

He sighed and grabbed my wrist, pulling me into his room. He shut the door quickly and then he let go. "You're way too smart for your own good, (Y/n)." He said.

"And I need to be, since I have an idiot for my partner." I replied. "Or else we would have died a long time ago."


"But true." I added. "Anyway, what are you planning now?"

He sighed, but slowly gave me a troublesome looking smirk. "I'm planning on pranking Smokey, big time."

I groaned as I rolled my eyes. "Don't you think that he has enough of your pranks Claus? I mean, he has been getting pranked every day and you haven't stopped. Maybe this was why he was happy to chase Strawhat Luffy, to get out of the base and escape from you and your 'pranks'."

"Nonsense!" Claus stated.

"No, it's common sense." I replied with a dead expression.

He huffed. "(Y/n) lighten up, will you? If you don't, you'll end up like Smokey."

"I'm fine, but seriously, tell me what you're planning Claus."

"Fine." He answered as he sat on his bed. "I'm planning to add some chili powder into Smokey's food as the prank. I'll be funny to see his reaction."

I frowned. "You know he's allergic to chili powder, right?"

He nodded. "That's why it's going to be interesting. What kind of symptoms will he get? He will eat with the rest of the base, so everyone can watch. It'll be funny."

I was starting to get angry. "You know he can die from it right?"

"What do you mean?" He asked me as I was starting to raise my voice to our conversation.

I explained, "People who are allergic can die from it! Do you even know what it might do to him!? If you did, why would you want to see him suffer from the symptoms?! Claus, this prank will go too far!"

Claus rolled his eyes as I was now shouting. "(Y/n), you're worrying too much. It'll be fine. After all, how bad can it be?"

"It can be bad Claus." I stated. "You don't know how many people have died because of their allergy! It's nothing to joke about."

Claus stood up and pushed me to the door. He opened it and pushed me out of the room. I turned to face him as he held the door. He was shutting it, as he said, "It'll be fine (Y/n). He won't die."

Then the door shut in my face. I stood outside enraged. How could someone be so careless about another's allergy? It's not a joke nor a game. I stomped to my room and slammed my door shut. I laid down on my bed and tried to calm myself down.

I think that Smoker and others have had enough with Claus's pranks and jokes, so it looked like I'm siding with them. I was going to tell Smoker once he got back from his mission, then maybe see what he wants to do.

Wait, why do I care again? When someone else was getting pranked all the time, I would just sit back and watch as Claus did whatever he wanted. What's so different now? Is it because I'm sick of it all? Was it because of the vice admiral named Smoker? Or was it because it could risk someone's life?

Probably because it was all. If I wanted to have a world without the twisted justice, I must make sure to take out the real evil of the world. Stop all the wrong doings, no matter who they are and who they were under. No matter rank, riches, or name. Stopping Claus is the right thing to do, and a thing I must do.

Thinking about stopping twisted justice, my feelings for Smoker... I don't think I can ignore them anymore. I couldn't even ignore them from the start, though. I think it's time to accept them. I mean, like Tashigi said before on the ship, Smoker could help me in my goal. He didn't have the twisted justice and he knew when someone was doing the right thing.

He could actually help me reach my goal faster than before. I could have both my mind and heart working together. I could be near him and still focus on my goal, though I need to stop Claus first.

A week later, Smoker came back to the base empty handed. Strawhat Luffy managed to escape his grasps once more. He was in a foul mood, though it didn't stop me from speaking with him. If I didn't, who knows what might happen. I didn't know the time my white-haired partner was planning to do the prank, though I had to make sure that will never happen.

I headed to Smoker's office and knocked on the door. Heard a voice from the other side to enter, so I did. Once I entered, Smoker was sitting on his desk with his head faced towards me.

"(Y/n), what do you need?" He asked.

"Well, I don't really need anything." I answered as I closed the door and walked up to his desk.

He frowned. "Then, why are you here?"

I sighed. "I'm sure that you don't want to get pranked by Claus, right?"

He lifted a brow and questioned, "What do you mean?"

"I know what prank he's going to do next. He's planning to add chili powder into your food for his next prank." I told him.

His eyes widened and coughed a few times. "Does he know that I'm allergic to chili powder?"

I nodded. "He does, but he's planning to do it anyway. I'm warning you, so be careful."

"That bastard!" The vice admiral cried out. "Allergies aren't jokes and games! It's not something to take lightly. This is why I hate this bastard!"

"I know, but what do you want to do, sir?" I asked my boss.

He took some breathes and answered, "I would like to take revenge. Do you perhaps have anything in mind to help me for this plan, (Y/n)?"

I grinned. "What about giving him a taste of his own medicine?"

"Oh? What do you mean?" He asked with a sly smirk.

"You know how Claus is planning on using your allergy to embarrass you, why not use his to do the same thing to him? He's allergic to hot-red-chili flakes, and it will cause him to itch." I explained. I knew it would be fine, as I knew Claus's symptoms and they were not life threatening. "But what are your thoughts, sir?"

"I think we should do it. It's not like it's going to kill him."

"You're absolutely right, Smoker."

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