Part 16

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I woke up hearing my princess crying so I got up and I went to check on her. She stopped crying when she seen me and started laughing. I picked her up smiling and I started tickling her.

"Hey mama you happy on this beautiful day? You wanna eat some food mama", she kept smiling and she started kicking her feet. I took her into the kitchen putting her into her swing while I warmed up her some milk.

When I finished I picked her up and I sat on the couch so I could feed her.

She was eating fast and making little noises which I thought was so cute. I smile and talked to her as she ate and I'd take the bottle out of her mouth when she'd eat to fast and start coughing.

"It's alright baby is not going anywhere", I smiled and started playing her back. I got out a kid book that I got for my baby shower and I started reading to her. Her lil greedy butt kept trying to eat the book though. "Awe baby if you are old enough I'd take you walking, but you're not big enough yet", whenever I talk she just looks at me like I'm weird if her eyes are open. After she messed up her diaper I know she's going to be back sleep for sure.

"Mommy's little baby, you just don't know how much you mean to me. You were a little surprise but I'm glad you're here. You've already started with a rocky road but guess what, it's not always gonna be rocky. You have a man in mommy's life that loves me and you. When he comes home I think he's going to spoil you more than me"

She started yawning and then she had her stinky face so I knew she was going potty in her diaper. "Yeah mama let it all out. Come on you can do it just let it all out so we can get your all cleaned up.

When she finished I rinsed her stinky butt and gave her a bath. I put on her some cute little pajamas and I sang to her while I rocked her to sleep. I laid her on my chest and I read little baby books to enhance her like my mom told me to and eventually I just got up and started cleaning up everything and everywhere. I took some meat out to cook later on and I started studying in my books until my phone rang.


"You have a call from...", I knew it was Larelle so I pushed 5 and said hello again.

"Hey lil mama"

"Hey baby. How you doing?"

"I'm good but something has come to my attention and I'm not liking what I'm hearing"

"Okay about what?"

"About you, my boy Guap told me he saw you at a strip club, before they opened, wassup lil mama"

"I went to see if I could--".

"H*ll no, what the f*ck?! No and I'm not telling you no mo. Don't argue wit me cause I'm not changing my mind"

"Okay but how am I supposed to get money?"

"How about you be a regular person and work a 9-5 like everybody else"

"Like everybody else huh?", I asked throwing shade.

"Yeah like everybody is. Don't flip nothin on me I'm talking about you. We two different people and why you want to do that anyway, be a model or something. If you have to, work at Mc Donalds if you need money that bad cause you not going back to that strip club"

"No I'm going to go and..."

"If you go to that strip club don't expect me to ever call you again or talk to you and I'm not playing either"

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