Chapter 5

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I ended up finding my way to Killion's house and it looked like he was here. I parked my car on the side of the road and I walked up his driveway and I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?", I heard him from the other side of the door.

"It's Jomae"

He opened the door smoking a blunt and I immediately felt sick to my stomach and I threw up in the grass.

"You came to throw up in my yard?", he asked looking at me funny.

"No, I just, my stomach didn't agree with the smell of the smoke", I said as we sat on the porch.

"Aight then I'll put it out. What brings you by?", he asked stretching his arm around the back of my chair and putting his legs up crossing them at the ankles.

"Okay I came to talk to you and tell you, that uhh....I'm pregnant"

"Well that's good so when you get an abortion nobody will know you got an abortion"

"What? So you want me to get an abortion?"

"Look Jomae, I'm moving to college next week and my dad is coming home in December so I don't have time to take care of a baby"

"You think I do? I just got my own spot and I work, I'm going to college too shoot my life would be stopping too"

"All the more reason for you to get rid of it. Look, here's $600 for the abortion and your troubles. But I can't", he pulled out 6 hundred dollar bills from his pocket, placed it in my hand and left back into the house.

I cried to my car and to my parents house.

"What's the matter baby?", my mom asked me walking me to her room.

"Mommy I messed u-up b-bad"

"What happened? Are you hurt?"

"Emotionally I am. Mommy I-I'm pregnant"

"Killion's the father?"

"Yes m-ma'am"

"Then you need to tell him, when did you find out"

"I just came back from the doctor today and they told me. I did talk to Killion and he gave me $600 to get an abortion", I said calming down so I could talk but still crying.

"Well then you need to use the money he gave you to help you out. Let that be the start of he money for the baby and build up from there"

"Mama I don't want to have a baby"

"Well you shouldn't have been having sex. You playing a grown woman's game so you're gonna get some grown woman consequences. But what you're not going to do is sit here and cry. You need to wipe away your tears and get your life together for the sake of this baby"

"Mama I can't..."

"You laid there to get the baby now get up and take care of it. I didn't have this baby you did, so don't think I'm going to be watching it while you go out and do whatever. You're not dropping out of school and you're not quitting your job so you need to figure out how you'll cope with school, work and paying for the baby's stuff"

"Why should I have to do this alone, I didn't have the baby alone"

"That's why you need to think before you have sex. There's a possibility of getting pregnant whether you use protection or not. And if you do end up pregnant you need to know that the person you slept with is going to be there for you and not leave you"

"Yes ma'am. I thought that if I did end up getting pregnant then Killion would still be there with me but I guess not. Just whatever you do please don't tell daddy"

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