Chapter one

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I stared blankly into the roaring bonfire that stood before me

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I stared blankly into the roaring bonfire that stood before me. The orange and red flames tangled with each other, wrestling for dominance; it was mesmerizing to watch, and it left my mind vulnerable to uncontrolled wandering. The warmth that the fire produced was comforting, it was like a shield that protected me from the cool winds of the Boneyard. My train of thought was interrupted by the harsh smoke that blew into my eyes, it burned almost to the point of tears. I blinked hard and lifted the red solo cup up to my lips, taking a long gulp of whatever liquid was in it. The muffled sounds of people partying didn't phase me because I was still focused on the dancing flames.

I thought of how I rather be laying in bed at that moment; this late into the night, my social battery is always drained. I imagined myself wrapped in my soft and warm covers, dozing off into a peaceful sleep. It's not like I don't have fun at these types of functions but sometimes I wonder if coming is even worth it. These were the types of negative thoughts I have when I let my intoxicated mind roam freely. 

I shifted my weight because the log that I was sitting on was uncomfortable on my ass. While I did this, I took another prolonged sip of my drink, the taste of alcohol burning the back of my throat. This last swig was the straw that broke the camel's back because my solo cup was now empty. 

I dreadfully stood up from my spot to get another refill. I didn't even realize how drunk I was until I had to use my hands to secure my balance. Without noticing, I started stumbling and dragging my heels in the sand. My feet were crossing over each other, attempting to walk in a straight line but failing miserably. I didn't care about how bad my hangover was going to be in the morning, all I wanted was another drink. 

Unexpectedly, I felt two hands grab my shoulders gently, "Hey hey hey where do you think you're going?" I turned around to face the person who stopped me. I recognized his face but it took me a second to process it. 

Since this action took me by surprise, I didn't have time to alter my tone to be kinder, "Get away from me JJ" I slurred. I drunkenly jerked my shoulders and took a step away from him. In hindsight, I could have been less of an asshole but I was on a mission to get more booze and nothing was going to stop me.

JJ stepped in front of me so I wouldn't be able to move past him. I don't think my attitude bothered him because he snapped back with a sarcastic timbre, "What just because I'm a Pouge?" 

He seemed to humor himself with his remark but I just brushed past him, rolling my eyes in the process. I stomped sloppily and mumbled under my breath, "yeah whatever" 

Suddenly, rough fingers snaked around my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. I flung back and was now forced to continue this conversation. "Listen I think you've had a little too much to drink tonight" he persuaded, "maybe you should take it easy?"

I ripped my wrist from his grasp. Frankly, I was offended by his suggestion; how dare he try to cut me off! Usually, I would handle myself more calmly--but with alcohol running through my veins, anger was the only emotion I could muster, "Fuck off" I fiercely stammered.

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