Chapter fifteen

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Electricity was bouncing off of every single nerve in my body, adrenaline was buzzing through my head

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Electricity was bouncing off of every single nerve in my body, adrenaline was buzzing through my head. My lunges were on fire but I pushed through that feeling while making confusing twists and turns trying to lose the boy who was trailing me. My hands stung from violently slapping them against the walls to help myself round the corners more rapidly. People standing in the halls looked at me like I was crazy, what they didn't understand was that I was desperate. Once or twice I looked behind me and Rafe was still there— but each time the gap between us got larger. I thanked the lord that I wasn't wearing heels but how I wished I wasn't wearing fucking sandals.

The further I ran, the more dark and empty the corridors became. I didn't notice until I came to a hallway with a dead end— there were around ten doors branching from its ghostly passage. Heavy footsteps grew louder, thundering in my ears as I quickly gazed behind me, time was running out and I needed to do something. I sprinted to a random door, ripped it open and slammed it shut behind me.

The only light the room provided was by the moonlight seeping in through the windows. It was decorated nicely with fancy furniture, by the kind you would admire but not sit on. There was a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling, dripping in sparkling gems. There was a sort of eeriness to the room, a light layer of dust covering all its surfaces, and the atmosphere had a sinister stillness to it.

The creepy silence was broken by the muffled creaking of wooden floors outside. A wave of panic washed over me as I heard the aggressive opening and slamming doors. Rafe was searching through all the rooms in the hallway. I took a deep breath and scanned the area, searching for a hiding spot. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I quickly spotted and ushered myself into a small closet tucked in the back corner of the room.

It was completely dark except the little sliver of moonlight shining through the narrow slits in the door. My chest rose up and down frantically as I reached into my pocket, pulling my phone out. I placed it into my hands and urgently tapped the bright screen— the blue light briefly burned my sensitive eyes. I typed in a number and called it, holding it up to my ear hoping it would shield the brightness.

The torturous ringing made me tap my foot impatiently. Come one why won't they pick up? With every millisecond that passed my frustration and the pinching in my chest only grew more intense. My hearing was heightened, every noise and vibration caused my anxiety to deepen because I knew he was getting closer. Then suddenly the ringing stopped, "Kie! Kie?" I whispered into the phone

"Oh my god I'm so glad you called, I was just talking about you" Kie slurred on the other end. Oh god she was still so wasted, I just hoped that she would be sober enough to understand me. I could hear the commotion of others stirring in the background of the phone call— the service was uneven and dodgy, indicating that the pogues were still driving around in the twinkie.

My voice choked up as vigorously muttered "Kie! Pass the phone to someone that's sober please!" I begged.

"You don't want to talk to me? I am sober, I'm so sober" she giggled before there was a static shuffling on the other end. Something was covering the microphone so I was unable to hear the confrontation. I then heard a familiar voice start to talk to me, it was Pope, "Andy hey what's up? Is everything ok?"

I let out an uneven sigh of relief. My hands were still jittery as I stared through the crack in the door before speaking "No Pope you have to help me, Rafe knows ok? He's chasing after me and I'm hiding in a closet!"

Silence. I imagine he was processing what I just told him but the stillness was killing me. "What do you mean Rafe knows?" Pope questioned with his voice raised

I was paranoid that his volume increasing was loud enough to penetrate through the walls so I panically shushed him. I could hear the other pogues in the background react to his words, obviously they were eavesdropping but they had no context of the situation. The other voices in the car were yelling at Pope to put the call on speaker, so there was a slight shift of movement on the other end. With all the gang being able to hear me I continued "Kelce saw JJ and I and now Rafe thinks I have the key! Guys I don't know what to do and I'm scared"

That's when the most horrific thing happened, I heard the door to the room I was in burst open. My heart was in my throat and I was parolized. I heard the sound of pacing outside the closet, Rafe was looking around. The light shining through the crack was frequently disurbed by a silhouette lurking through the room. I cursed my breathing, it was so loud I was sure he would hear it.

Popes' voice became like background music because my focus was on the dark figure now stopped in front of the closet, "Andy just stay where you are, we are coming back to get you!" I slowly and quietly stepped backwards until I felt my back hit the wall. My mind was thinking irrationally so I thought this action might camouflage me. My mouth hung open and I softly gasped in terror as I witnessed the door slowly begin to crack open.

So there I stood, my phone still held to my ear and my face plastered with fear, as I stared at the frightening shadow in the doorway. Rafe took a threatening step towards me, his eyes staring down on me with unwavering confidence. I winced as he grabbed my wrist and yanked my phone from my grip. He raised it to his ear, never breaking our intense eye contact, and spoke to the pogues on the other end, "Bring me the key or your friend Andy here, might have a little accident"

My breathing quickened and he calmly hung up. It was eerie how unbothered he was, not only minutes beforehand was he ripping open doors and his temper was raging. My wrist was now aching in pain as he tightened his grip. He then slipped my phone into his pocket and narrowed his cold eyes at me. Rafe then did something unexpected, he evilly smiled. 

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