Chapter six

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Time passed in a blur as seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours

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Time passed in a blur as seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. I lost count of how many drinks I had, using the liquor to numb my pain filled emotions. The circumstance with Kie weighed heavy on my mind and my drunken thinking had me wondering if I had done anything to upset her? I was so excited to come to this party and hang out with her, to get closer to her, to gain a true best friend. My head spun and my vision faded in and out as I had little conversations with people, swaying to the beat of the music.

This was just stupid I should just go talk to her and apoliogzie for whatever I did to upset her. My intoxicated state had my determination fixed on finding her to talk to her.

Colors and faces merged together as I stumbled around aimlessly, falling onto random people in the crowd. I used the bodies of teenagers around me to secure my balance as I maneuvered through the patio, scanning it for one of the pogues. Some people were nice about it, grabbing my forearms to help me, but others weren't so kind, pushing me off them and causing me to stumble.

I saw the reflection of the pool water as someone had shoved my weight away from them and my heels caught it all. I waved my arms in order to balance myself because I was on the edge about to fall in but I didn't care--my state caused me barely to even notice until I felt two hands grab my wrists.

My resuser then pulled me forward, away from the edge of the pool. My feet crossed over one another causing me to trip into his chest. I inhaled and the smell of maculine cologne filled me up and sighed with delight. "Smells good" I mumbled

"Jesus Christ Andy" A deep overfamiliar voice spoke. I looked up to see the concerned face of Rafe fucking cameron looking down on me. I used my arms to try to push my weight off of him but it backfired and I slipped. I felt his hands wrap around my waist to support me, shifting his feet to stand beside me "How much have you had to drink? Come on let's get you some water"

He started to lead me through the crowd while I tried to escape his grasps but my limbs felt so weak like noodles " I'm fine" I said talking very slow and dragging out my words "Let me go Rafe, I need to find--I need to find"

My words trailed off, I had totally forgotten what I was going to say. Rafe just kept on nodding his head, pretending like he was listening to me while he led me to a quiet sitting room. I plopped down on a sofa and a cold glass of water was handed to me--I spilled some of it on my chin attempting to take a sip. I felt the drops run down my chest and to my bare stomach causing me to shiver. I didn't realize how dehydrated I had been until I started chugging the water--my throat craving it to cure the dryness that lingered in the back of my throat.

Rafe was leaning on the doorway with his arms crossed staring at me-- a hint of arrogance in his eyes. "Ya know, you should learn when to cut yourself off before you acidentally kill yourself"

I suddenly sat up straight, staring into his cold eyes "Ya know you should learn to mind your own business!" I snapped passive aggressively.

He now took a step, exiting the frame of the doorway, his fists in a ball "You should learn to show some respect to Topper and to me" his voice was now raised a little, but his words were laced with hints of alcohol

PREY-Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now