Chapter five

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 After my little uh

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 After my little uh...incident at the country club, I made the wise decision not to get a ride with Topper. Instead, I texted Kie and she was more than happy to drive me. Did I also text her so that all of the kooks would see me show up with the pogues? Yes, yes I did.

I was in the mood to start some drama. Both Topper and Rafe had been getting on my nerves so I wanted to do the same back; and eye for an eye.

The theme of the Cameron's party was, and I quote "booze and beaches", so I threw on my favorite black bikini and jean shorts. This was my favorite summer outfit because the black swimsuit made me look tan(not to mention highlighted my girls quite well..iykyk)

 I remembered Topper telling me that Ward and Rose Cameron went to the mainland for a few days, I think to drop Wheezie off at some camp? Anyway, anytime the Cameron parents were away, Sarah and Rafe aways threw a party because they had the nicest house on figure eight. Believe it or not, they knew how to rage.

When the time came to leave, I quietly lifted the window in my bedroom and placed my feet softly on the grass below. Adrenaline rushed through my body as I snuck around the back, pushing myself against the blue siding of my house. The air was sticky and warm, I could hear the crashing of waves in the distance and the taste of sea salt licked my lips. I felt like a ninja, silently manipulating the darkness of the night and using it to my own advantage.

I saw the outline of four figures standing in the middle of the road in front of my house. Three of their silhouettes were familiar, one was not. I smiled as I jogged over to them.

"Hey you made it!" Kie exclaimed while bringing me in for a hug.

When I stepped back from the embrace I shrugged my shoulders and smiled with arrogance "Piece of cake"

She playfully pushed my shoulders in a weak attempt to humble me. I turned my attention to the boys who were standing before me; I recognized the blonde and brunette duo but not the other pouge. He had chocolate brown skin and wore a backwards baseball cap

"Pope?" I asked him. He nodded and smiled warmly at me. I continued,  "I want to thank you for helping me the other night, if it weren't for you and Kie.."

"Don't worry about it" the boy responded "are y'all ready to go?" 

 I followed the four teens to an old van parked down the street. I love how they all met me half way so I wouldn't have to walk in the street alone. I didn't want to tell them, but I always get so scared to sneak out. The mode of transportation was a rusty Volkswagen bus with surfboards strung up to the top. Pope swung the rolling doors open and gestured for us to pile in.

The drive to Tanny Hill was brief. I looked out the window, watching the trees pass by me in a blurr. My stomach couldn't help but flutter as I thought of the possible reactions produced by Topper or Rafe. I really didn't think that they knew the pogues would even show up, I mean I guess it wasn't too far fetched because Sarah and John B were dating. Before I knew it my body shifted forward and the tires squeaked to a stop.

PREY-Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now