Chapter ten

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 A/N: Here is Andy's Midsummer look! Sorry that the picture is so big, I don't really know how to work this

 A/N: Here is Andy's Midsummer look! Sorry that the picture is so big, I don't really know how to work this

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I reached my hand up to adjust my blue and gold flower crown that rested on my head. Some of the stems were poking at my scalp uncomfortably causing me to dig my nails through my hair, making my due a little messy.

I stared at my reflection numbly in the mirror, looking over my appearance before leaving for the Midsummer's party. I was wearing a baby blue jumpsuit with flowy fabric, it was comfortable and perfect for the humid weather. The bottom wasn't tight at all, but rather loose, allowing the breeze to touch my legs comfortably. The top was very flattering with a V shaped neckline with straps--that was very important to me because I cannot stand strapless clothes. I feel like whenever I wear them I'm constantly pulling it up in fear of me flashing someone. Instead of heels or wedges, I decided to wear gold strappy flat sandals due to the fact I would be on my feet for many long hours.

I tilted my head slightly and gave myself a pathetic half smile before turning to walk out of my room. I really didn't want to go, I was dreading the small talk and awkward encounters that were bound to happen tonight. At this point I had accepted the inevitable but that does not mean I couldn't bathe in self pity first. As I turned to head downstairs, I saw my mother in the entrance of my doorway smiling at me. She walked over to me with proud strides and pulled me in for a motherly hug.

"You look beautiful sweety" She started as she leaned out of the hug. With her soft touch, my mom started to move some of the pieces of my hair attempting to fix it "Just try to put on a smile for tonight ok?"

I half heartedly plastered a grin onto my face and responded "yeah of course mom" giving her one last hug before she walked out of the room.

Our first Midsommar party was last year and we didn't go because we wanted to--my mom's an investment analyst so it is very important that she has a lot of connections in the community. My dad left a few years back so it's just her and I, therefore we attend every big social event to strengthen these bonds and potentially get new clients.

I have always admired my mother because she is such a charismatic person--she can easily sway the mindsets of others in her favor, especially when they are men. It's like my mom was perfectly crafted by Aphrodite herself, always enchanting men with her intoxicating personality--that is a big part of why she is so successful. I love her alot but her commitment to her job often left me alone most days and nights. That is why I always go to these events with her because often it is the only time I really get to hangout with her.

When we got to the Country Club the party had already started. I looked out to the ocean and admired the golden hue that the setting sun provided, kissing every surface of Kildaire Island beautifully. I Linked arms with my mother as we confidently entered the party with the hope of having a good time tonight. There were so many people everywhere dressed like Kook royalty, crowned with flowers and exquisite looking jewelry. They were all caring around patterned glass cups filled with expensive liquors.

My mom guided me through the crowd, politely greeting her peers with friendly head nodes and small waves but she did not stop to miggle just yet. She was determined, as if she were on an important mission, to reach her intended destination in a timely manner . We approached the bar and my mom released my arm, leaving me a few feet away from the counter. I giggled to myself as I witnessed her leaning on her elbows seductively and started talking to the bartender, no doubt trying to get us free drinks.

So as I stood waiting for my mom to bring me a drink, my head was on a swivel and I took in all the sights of the gathering. There was a dance floor with people scattered on it, tripping over their own feet attempting to sway to the beat of the music. I grinned when I saw Sarah and Kie laughing as they spun each other in circles, occasionally sneaking sips of champagne. It was a gorgeous night so a majority of the guests were outside, chatting and drinking formally. Now that I thought of it, these parties blow compared to the Keggers on the beach. It was so boring with adults talking about business, politics, and such.

I turned my head and I saw Topper, Rafe, Kelce, and other teenage boys walk past me. As they did this Topper offered me a small wave and stammered "hey Andy" I tried not to laugh as his body swayed and his feet dragged clumsily behind him--damn he was wasted. After he kindly greeted me, his friends mocked and hit him playfully. The distance grew between the group and me as they continued their path. Kelce grabbed his shoulder from the side, shaking him slightly and said something that seemed to annoy Topper. I heard him slur "Hahaha so funny. Shut up, just shut up man" At this, the group erupted in snickers and laughs.

I slightly smiled and rolled my eyes at their childish remarks, boys can be funny when they are wasted sometimes I guess. I whirled my body around as a champagne glass was placed into my hand and I looked into the eyes of my mother who was giving me a smirk. I narrowed my eyes at her because I knew exactly what she was hinting at, "No mom, Topper and I are just friends"

She shrugged and took a long sip of her drink, "ok whatever you say..." Her comment was all too sarcastic and I could tell she didn't believe me which was annoying because I was being dead serious. Of course she wouldn't really know because she never had time to catch up with my boy drama.

I playfully hit her on her arm and giggled, but my tone was laced with annoyance "No mom I'm being serious!" At this we just laughed to ourselves which was nice because it reminded me of the old days, when we were close. To my dismay, the moment was ruined by one of my mom's clients calling her over to them. That was my que to wander deeper into the party by myself while my mom made small talk with her peers.

Since I saw Sarah and Kie dancing earlier my feet led me over to the floor where now more people had gathered. I slightly nudged my way through the crowd, careful not to spill my drink, scanning the faces for the two girls. When I finally spotted them I quickened my pace in their direction but I was cut off by a boy in a power blue suit. My body rammed into his and my hands landed on his chest to quickly steady my balance--I scorned myself because I feel like I never watch where I'm going until it's too late. I slowly looked up only to lock eyes with Rafe Cameron, his arms were slightly elevated in an attempt to save his drink and he looked down at me. When his brain finally processed that I was the person that ran into him, a mischievous smirk formed on his face, "Ya know if you wanted to dance with me you could have just asked?"

I wanted to slap that smug look right off his face, it boiled my blood to the core, but I just pushed past him. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "yeah I'm not drunk enough for that yet"

I stomped away in the direction of my original destination. Not looking back I cringed to myself, everytime I had an encounter with him I am always left with an icky residue on my consciousness--I seriously don't know how it is possible to hate someone that much. I could practically hear the arrogant smile on his face as Rafe called, "Then I will just have to catch that dance later"

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