8. Foreign Fruit

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August, 2018

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August, 2018

How glorious to have the beach right on your doorstep, pretty much anywhere in the city. That thought alone made Ingrid smile as she stood on the wet sand, the ocean lapping at her feet. She watched the waves swell and crash, over and over again, like liquid clockwork. It soothed her soul.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Oliver's arms wrapped around her from behind and she leaned back against his chest, his chin resting on top of her head.

"No thoughts," Ingrid whispered into the wind.

Oliver dug his chin into her skull, making her squirm. "I call bullshit," he declared and kissed her on the cheek.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket. It was a message from Filip, and her heart skipped a beat as she skimmed through it. The she blinked and refocused, to read it properly.

So... I know this might be too short notice but I thought I'd let you know since it seems we won't get to have another call soon...

She walked away from Oliver and the ocean. Her brows furrowed, processing the information.

Our high-school's holding a 10-year reunion party next month. I know you're busy with work and travelling all the way from Melbourne must be such a hassle... but I figured I'd tell you, just in case. I know for sure a lot of people would love to see you. Myself included. But more importantly, my mum.

Ingrid gulped, dropping down on their beach towel as her knees buckled.

I'll forward you the invite. Do let me know if you decide to come. I doubt there's any direct flights to Romania from Melbourne, so maybe you could come out to Munich first. There's a direct flight to our hometown from here, we could go together.

If you want to, of course. No pressure.

Anyway, that's it. Sorry for the spam. Have a lovely day!

Her jaw set, her fingers gripping her phone too tight. She locked it and tossed it on the towel. She had better things to do than brood over Filip's invitation. Although it disturbed her to think why it rattled her so much. He'd given her the perfect excuse, several of them, actually – short notice, busy at work, a hassle to travel...

And yet... Her mind reeled from the possibility. A high-school reunion! How fucking outrageous. She'd hated most of her classmates. And a great deal of her teachers. Why would she go back to attend a party with all these people? Could she even fly all the way out there without visiting her grandma's grave in her home village? If she did, she'd have to face her grandfather, too...

"Now I definitely need more than one penny for those thoughts of yours."

Oliver snapping his fingers in her face made her snap back to reality, too. Ingrid was surprised to find tears stinging the corners of her eyes.

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