14. Small Talk

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September 2018

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September 2018

An instant photo booth had been installed in the lobby, and George dragged Ingrid out there for some silly snapshots. The line was too long, however, and she slipped outside for a smoke with her dry martini. She'd stuffed some loose cigarettes in her clutch purse but realised with dismay that she hadn't brought a lighter.

As if summoned by Ingrid's conundrum, 'Elvira' stepped out just then, lighting a cigarette. She sucked in a deep breath, sighed out smoke, then took a big gulp from her drink. Ingrid walked up to her.


Elvira raised an eyebrow at her.

Ingrid held up her cigarette between middle and index finger. "Can I get a light?"

Unimpressed, Elvira brought her lighter to Ingrid's cigarette and held it there until the tobacco caught fire.

"Thanks," Ingrid said, breathing out smoke.

"No problem."

"It's Andra, isn't it?"

Andra snorted. "Cute."

"Unless, of course, you prefer Elvira?"

Andra frowned. "What the fuck do you want from me, huh?"

"Well, I wanted a smoke, and that usually comes with small talk, but I guess small talk isn't your strong suit."

"If you're about to make a lewd joke about what my strong suit is... don't."

Ingrid exhaled and sipped her martini. "I would lie if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind, because it did. But... noted. No lewd jokes."

She twirled the leftover martini in her glass before downing it all in one go. Her eyes travelled towards the venue entrance as she pondered whether it'd be worth going back in for a drink, or whether to just book it. The party hadn't started properly yet, and she was already sick of it.

"Checking to see if the photo booth is clear?" Andra asked.

"No," Ingrid answered as streams of smoke escaped from the corner of her mouth. "No, I'm just trying to remember why the fuck I even bothered to come all the way out here."

"You too?"

"What, you thought you were the only one?"

Andra grinned. "What did you say your name was?"

"I didn't."

"Let's do this properly, then. I'm Elvira."

The young widow shook the hand her old schoolmate held out. "Ingrid."

"Ingrid..." Elvira narrowed her eyes. "I thought I heard some snippets whispered about an Ingrid... Filip's girlfriend, Ingrid?"

The (ex) girlfriend in question rolled her eyes. "That's ancient history by this point."

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