10. People like Us

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September 2018

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September 2018

"Welcome, Ms Astor," the concierge greeted Ingrid as she walked into the hotel.

Filip lingered behind like an awkward bellboy while she checked in. He then helped the actual bellboy carry her luggage to her room. The balcony offered a resplendent view over the heart of a city she barely recognised. So much had changed. Just like her.

"So," Filip spoke up, eyes on his wristwatch, "my parents should be waiting for us at that Starbucks right about now. Are you up for it, or should I tell Mum that you'll see them another day?"

Ingrid shook her head. "I'm good. Let me just freshen up and we can go."

The Starbucks was only a ten-minute uphill walk from her hotel, which they undertook in silence while Ingrid contemplated the buildings she had once been so familiar with. Most of them were old and protected in this part of town – some had been refurbished, but there'd been no major constructions taking place. Same layout, different colours.

The big shock came once they emerged up the slope onto the flat esplanade of the city centre. Ingrid couldn't remember what it used to look like, exactly, but it certainly wasn't... this. The paving had been completely replaced, sprawling fountains had been installed, the centrepiece historical statue had been... moved?

And the mall dominating one side of the plaza could easily belong to a more civilised, affluent city. Ingrid had to admit she was impressed and told Filip as much.

"Not bad, huh?" he retorted.

They headed straight for the Starbucks located on the ground floor of the mall, deciding to explore the revamped surroundings once the much-anticipated reunion was out of the way.

"Are you nervous?" Filip asked Ingrid as they approached the entrance.

She gulped, hoping he didn't hear it. "I'm... just a bit tired, but I'm sure I'll be fine."

Smiling, he swung the heavy door open and let her pass through first. Ingrid stepped inside. The familiar Starbucks décor helped to put her at ease somewhat. She normally wasn't much of a fan, but at that precise moment, it felt like a home away from home.


A middle-aged woman stood up from a tiny table at the back. Silver streaked her dark, cropped short hair and time had etched graceful lines into her face. Ingrid quickly wiped at the tears overflowing through her eyelashes.

"Ingrid!" Frau Ionescu cried out and came to hug her former neighbour and pupil.

Ingrid travelled back in time in the arms of her surrogate mother, shedding the iron curtain which shielded the little girl tucked inside. This woman had raised her when Ingrid's own family couldn't be arsed to. She'd ensured Ingrid got an education and seized every opportunity available to her.

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