23. Old Habits

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May 2018

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May 2018

"What are you looking at?" Oliver raised an eyebrow at Ingrid scrutinising him from the bathroom doorway.

"Why are you wearing long sleeves? I thought we were going to the beach."

He finished buttoning his shirt and adjusted his cuffs and collar. "You've seen why I'm wearing long sleeves."

She gave him an are-you-shitting-me look.

Oliver smiled. "Not everyone is as non-judgemental as you, Ingrid. I try not to let it get to me, but it still makes me uncomfortable when people are staring, so..."

Ingrid sighed. "Guess I can't force you. Ready?"

He nodded and held out his hand. She walked over, taking it. It felt so surreal that they were about to go on a stroll on the beach hand in hand. The previous night seemed to have broken down some of Ingrid's barriers and he relished their newfound closeness.

"I want to drink rum out of a coconut!" Ingrid announced as they left the hotel room.

Oliver laughed, slinging an arm around her shoulders as he kissed her temple. "I can do you one better."

He had her undivided attention, her eyes wide with expectant enthusiasm.

"I know a place where we can get piña colada out of coconuts."

She grinned, and his self-consciousness dissipated.

They'd gotten up too late for breakfast, but they could still grab a spot of brunch at the hotel restaurant before heading out. Ingrid made an excellent conversation partner, listening so intently to his travelling tales and providing such compelling anecdotes of her own that he lost track of time.

Oliver Eketone, cabin crew chief extraordinaire, did not lose track of time.

He told Ingrid as much as they slurped the last of their piña coladas on the beach.

"What can I say," she winked, "I'm very entertaining."

"You most definitely are." Leaning over, he first pecked her bare shoulder, then her cheek.

The sight of her smile alone made Oliver's heart swell. He'd been so anxious about this trip, so nervous that he'd made the wrong decision... Now Ingrid's unguarded joy made it all worth it. She closed in to kiss him, as if reading his mind, and her lips tasted like pineapple.

"I'm going for a swim," she whispered. "Join me?"

Oliver hesitated. Ingrid took advantage and reached up to begin undoing his shirt. Her eyes never left his. She paused after every button, to gauge his expression, yet he never shook her off. He gulped. With trembling fingers, he unfastened his cuffs. Ingrid pushed the shirt slowly off his shoulders, giving him one last chance to change his mind.

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