nightmare - luke (bf)

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waking up panting and sweating in the middle of the night is not a good feeling for anyone, especially when you believe you're home alone and all the lights are out. i go to reach over for luke but he's not there, immediately i panic and attempt to hide from whatever i can fell is in my room.

i hear someone moving downstairs and my heart drops, tears immediately well up in my eyes and i'm shaking like a leaf. i have two choices, and i hope neither of them cause whoever or whatever is in my house to try and kill me.

either i call for luke and hope he's somewhere in the house or i go downstairs and try to fight off whatever is down there. i decide the first option and hope it doesn't go wrong.

"luke." i scream at the top of my lungs and i hear a loud bang from downstairs and thudding footsteps approaching, hoping it's luke though i still hide my shaking body underneath the cover.

the door slams open and the covers are ripped from my head. i scream so loud my own head starts ringing.

"hey, hey, hey, sweetheart, it's me, it's just me." i hear his voice say and i spring up from the bed into his arms. one wraps around my waist at the other cradles my head into his neck as i bawl my eyes out into it.

"sh, you're ok, i've got you, i've got you baby." he says, offering his comfort. and soon my bawling turns into sniffles and luke slightly pulls away. i immediately pull him back into me.

"please turn the light on." i whimper out. luke reaches for the bedside lamp and it flicks on, illuminating the room. i see things everywhere, shadows of clothes that could be mistaken for human figures and darker spots in the room with who knows what hiding in it.

"are you ok, love?." luke says as he runs his fingers through my hair. i nod in response and he places a light kiss on the crown of my head.

"ok baby, can you tell me what happened?" i shake my head. "do you want me to lay with you?" his soft voice questions and i nod my head. "ok, scoot up, come on." he encourages as i scoot over to make room for him.

he lays down next to me and faces me, wiping my tears with the gentle pad of his thumb as his hand curls my cheek. "it's ok baby, i'm right here." he repeats, along with other reassurances.

"come 'ere bubba." he says as he pulls me towards his chest and i snuggle into him. "you ok there love?" i lift my head to look up at him and place a soft kiss on his lips.

"thank you lu, yes i'm ok now." i say as he places his lips to my forehead.

"ok bub, get some sleep, i love you."

"j love you lu." i say as i fall asleep wrapped in his warm embrace.

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