deep breaths - ashton (bf)

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you knew, being ashton's girlfriend, that at one point you would have to fight against screaming teenage girls and hundreds of cameras in your face, but you couldn't imagine how terrifying it actually is.

"there's a whole load of them out there. i think they figured out she's with us." the boys bodyguard tells you all.

you all let out a sigh, turning towards each other and trying to figure out what to do.

you could feel ur anxiety start creeping in. your hands start to swear and your breathing gets heavier. you reach out for ashton's hand and catch his attention.

he pulls you into him, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you rest your head on his shoulder. "it's ok, bub. we'll make sure no one hurts you." he reassured you, placing a kiss on your temple.

"ok, sorted then, let's hope everyone isn't too rough this time." the bodyguard says with an uneasy look on his face.

you all start walking out, one bodyguard followed by luke with his arm around sierra. ashton placed a hand on the small of your back, signalling for you to start moving.

you take one shaky step forward, ashton tries his hardest to calm you down, wrapping his arm around you and whispering in your ear.

"i'm right next to you the whole time, love. it'll be okay, just remember to breathe and try to focus on me." you nod and he squeezes you into his side.

you start making your way through the crowd, noticing michael and calum walking close behind you, followed by the second body guard.

your group starts making its way through the worst part of the crowd. hands are flying everywhere, anything from notebooks to jumpers in their hands, begging the boys to sign them.

one girl in particular shoves her notebook too close your face and it whacks you right in the nose, you flinch back at the unexpected contact and almost fall over.

ashton looses his grip and is pulled to the side by a fan, leaving you to fall back into michael behind you.

"you're okay. come on, almost there." michael pushes you back into a standing position, pushing you forward through the crowd. but you feel your legs turning into jelly, your breathing increase and your head pounding.

"ashton!" you let out in a panicked voice. "please, ash!" you needed him right now and looking around, your couldn't see him anywhere.

"i'm really sorry, but i can't talk right now, we need to go." you can hear his voice getting closer and you start looking again.

"give us some space!" you heard ashton yell, gently pulling you into his chest. "sh, im right here, you're okay. listening to my heart, it's only us, just focus on me, bub." he relays in your ear.

you slowly start to calm down, pulling your head out of his chest, looking up to him as he smiles softly down at you. "you okay now, love?" he ticks a piece of hair behind your ear after he wipes your tears away. you nod your head in response.

"she okay?" you then relate calum coming up behind you guys, placing a hand on your shoulder. ashton nods and calum gives you a soft smile. "come on then, let's get out of here." ashton places his arm aback around your shoulder.

with what the crowd just witnessed. they all move to make a clear path for all of you to walk comfortably in a group, all autographs forgotten about.

you make your way to the car, keeping your head buried in ashton's shoulder as he blindly leads you.

you're so grateful for the man holding you, without him, you wouldn't be here right now. he's your saving grace, your lifeline, your other half, your everything. you wouldn't know what to do if he left you one day.

sitting in the car next to him, his arm still around you as you rest your head in his chest. his hand combing through your head as he places a kiss on your head whispering softly to you.

you realise he's the one, you'll never leave him and if he leave you, it would destroy you.

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