♠ The Tower ♠

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Wind whirled outside the window, sending the last flecks of rain against the window; and then it finally stopped.

"The rain stopped!" You shouted, looking over your shoulder. The group looked up, excited for some reason; maybe it was the anxiety of leaving. Wordlessly, you all rushed to grab your bags, and you headed out the door into the castle halls. It was time to go.

"Now, I must tell you guys: we only have three horses to use, so each of us will have to share a horse with someone e-" Madeleine's voice was cut off.

"I call riding with Raspberry!" Chili Pepper shouted.

"I'll ride with you, then?" You asked Pastry, turning to her. She nodded, smiling softly.


There was an exasperated groan behind you, and you turned, seeing Espresso with his head buried in his hands. Madeleine chuckled.

"Looks like you'll be riding with me!"

You got to the bottom of the stairs, and spotted the sugar horses, lined up; two were brown, and one was black, and they were all much, much larger than Fructose. Which said something, because Fructose was much taller than you at the shoulder and definitely was some form of smaller draft. These had to be warhorses. You attached your saddlebag to the black one's saddle, attaching Pastry's to the other side, before hoisting her up, using the fence next to them to hop on yourself.

"I hate you so much. This isn't even funny! Stop laughing at me!" Espresso shouted. You looked over, and saw Madeline laughing, sitting in front of Espresso; the cookie behind him had a completely flushed face, and was looking down with his arms crossed, pouting like a toddler.

"Oh, cheer up Espresso! At least you have a strong knight to protect you if we run into trouble~" you jeered, chuckling.

"OoooOoooOoooo~" Chili Pepper mocked, sitting behind Raspberry. Both cookies giggled mischievously, and Espresso's gaze snapped up to both of you, coffee beans floating behind him. Your humored expression faltered a little.

"Oh, come on! It was just a joke!" You protested. He calmed, the beans disappearing, but he still didn't look too happy at all. Madeleine snapped the reins, and the horse turned, staring down the road. Your horse fell in behind him, and you quickly sheathed the broadsword that you had been freely holding. As soon as you turned the corner, there were a few groups of cookies cheering. Madeleine raised his sword, before his horse took off, barreling through the back gates. Yours did the same, and you struggled to control it, but eventually you were out, into the woods again, on another horseback trip; this would be fun.


"We can't start a fire with this, dumbass!"

"Well whyyyy not?"

"Because it's soaking wet! Are you blind? Do you have no feeling in your fucking fingertips?" Espresso grabbed Madeleine's hand, forcing the other cookie to drag his hand across the cake log. You groaned, sinking your head in your hands; they had been at this for at least half an hour. You stood, grabbing some tents and stakes.

"I'm going to set up our tents. If they're still arguing when I get back then I'm going to lose my mind." You called to Raspberry before forcing your way through the brush into the other clearing, the one you had chosen for yourselves; the other one was for the horses. You set up each tent, carefully choosing each spot, before firmly staking them. As you finished the last tent, the faint yelling died down, only for it to start back up. You sighed with exasperation, grabbing a sizable stick and shouldering back into the clearing.

𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓻𝔂 | Red Velvet x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now