♠ Whiteout ♠

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Winter had started.

You lifted your arm, shielding your eyes from the blockade of white flurries. Of course. Meadows usually got blizzards in the start of winter; it just came early. You shuddered as your thin coat was blown back, and blinked away the snow.

"HOW MUCH FUR-" your yell was cut off as snowflakes swept into your mouth, and you coughed loudly, startling your horse. It whinnied, rearing back, and you tried to control it, but you fell off, and landed in the snow. Your horse darted the other way. It's a good thing you had Espresso and Madeleine take the tents and supplies, because your horse was being stubborn. Both cookies ahead turned, and, through the pearly sheet, you saw Madeleine's eyes widened in panic. Chea, who had been "leading," turned around and scampered back with fearful barking.

"Y/N!" He turned his horse around, and trotted back towards you. You opened your mouth to speak, but all that came out was a croak. You coughed again, and were able to speak.

"How much further do we have-? I don't think.. we can make it much longer in this weather." Madeleine shook his head.

"Not much longer. Come on. We need to get you ba..." his voice trailed off as he realized your horse ran away, and he sighed.

"Perfect." He said sarcastically. Madeleine looked around, and nodded to a small dark space on the mountainside you had been traveling next to as a guide.

"There. I think that's a cave. We can rest there." He helped you up, and, after insisting that you walk, you four started for the cave.

"No cookie should travel in this weather. We're all fools." Espresso murmured. Madeleine shook his head.

"No we're not. It just.. came upon us. We didn't have much of a choice anyways."

You listened to them bicker for a while, before you came up to the mountainside. There was, indeed, a cave, and, since the wind was blowing over the mountains, the entire inside was spotless. Instantly, you took out your sleeping bag and blanket, which Madeleine had brought along as extra supplies, and pressed yourself to a corner, letting Chea crawl in the sleeping bag before you. The dizziness of falling off set in, since your head had whipped against the ground upon impact, and you felt like you could pass out at any moment. But you couldn't yet.

Turning to Madeleine, you blinked the snow out of your eyelashes.

"Do we have enough for a fire?"

"Mhm." He said, just as several sparks flicked onto the logs. He crouched, and cupped his hands around it, blowing, before a small flame started in between his hands. Backing away, he let it spread to the other logs, and leaned back.

"Interesting." Espresso said to himself from the corner. Madeleine grinned at him, and Espresso looked away, screwing up his face.

"Shut up." He mumbled.

"But I never said anything, Espresso. All I did was look at you. You're really that soft?" Madeleine taunted right back. Espresso shook his head, groaning, before slumping to the ground.

"Fine. You win."

You chuckled softly, stretching, before tucking in more comfortably. Chea had already fallen asleep; the warmth had lulled her off.

And it did the same for you.


Red Velvet was screwed. Absolutely. Positively. Screwed. He had lost lots of valuable time due to oversleeping, and now he was following faint hoofprints through the blizzard. Eventually, he noticed one trail came to a stop, and went off in the other direction. There was an imprint behind it, like someone landed there, and he chuckled.

𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓻𝔂 | Red Velvet x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now