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"Thank you. Thank you so much for helping us, Sparkling." You said, giving Sparkling a hug. He held his arms up, chuckling a little, before hugging you back.

"No problem. I'd say see you around, but I guess not...?"

You stepped back, letting go of him and frowning. "I guess not... I'm gonna miss you. But let's not cry because it's over, s-"

"-smile because it happened. Yeah. We uhm... gotta get going. The hour's passing too fast. Sorry." Red Velvet said from the doorframe. You gave him a small glare, and Sparkling shook his head a little.

"Alright... where are you guys going, anyways?"

"We're following the traintracks. If we follow those and take a right at the river valley, we'll be on our way to get through the next towns and be out the border."

Sparkling dipped his head. "Good luck. And remember, don't take those bandages off until tomorrow morning. You'll be completely fine by then, hopefully."

"I know, I know. Bye Sparkling!" You called in a soft voice, walking out the door.

"Goodbye, Y/N!" He waved you off, closing the door and shutting the lights off in the bar. The upstairs lights remained on; he probably wouldn't get back to sleep.

You walked quickly over to Red Velvet, who was getting the horses ready, and he handed you the reins. You narrowed your eyes at him.

"You seem pissed, whats up?"

"I don't trust him."

You blinked. "...fair enough...." Was all you could muster. You didn't see anything wrong with Sparkling, but maybe that was your bias as his friend. You got up on Fructose, making sure Chea was sticking close, and led the way out of the town. It didn't take long to find a trail you were sure led to the tracks somehow, and you started the next leg of your journey.


Sparkling hummed. He was standing at his sink, washing a few dishes, only the sound of the faucet to keep him company.

And then he heard it.

A small rustle down the hall by the window.

He turned, not spotting anything, and squinted. Still nothing. He took a few steps down the hallway. Maybe he was hearing things, though he didn't remember opening the window at the end of the hall...

It happened in seconds.

He was shoved and pressed harshly against the wall, hands behind his back. There was a rummaging sound, something tightening around his wrists, and he realized he was cuffed. His eyes widened, and whoever had done it leaned in.

"I knew you were hiding the convicts. Where are they going."

Sparkling swallowed harshly. He thought he'd gotten away with it.

"Where are they going?!" The other cookie demanded again. Sparkling felt himself shaking.

"I told them I wouldn't tell..."

"Let me rephrase that." There was a click, and he felt a cold rim of metal press to his head.

"Where are they going, Sparkling Cookie."

He gasped softly. He didn't know the other was armed... he took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

"....The traintracks. They're going to the traintracks, Almond." His voice cracked with fear in the middle of the sentence, and the gun lowered from his head.

𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓻𝔂 | Red Velvet x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now