♠ Doves and Knives ♠

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A/N: Since this book is humanized, the cake wolves look and act more like actual wolves! I'm still putting "cake" for theming, but just an FYI ^^


Wind battered rain against the window, and you watched it, tapping your foot. Your forearms rested on the windowsill, arms crossed, and the little cake wolf, who you had affectionately nicknamed Chea, was dozing next to you, on a stool. You watched in the window reflection as the red flashing light of the camera flickered off. There was muffled talking in the room next to you, before the door opened, and Red Velvet walked in. You looked over your shoulder, narrowing your eyes, and turned around, palms still resting on the windowsill.

He took off his coat, and threw it on the ground, crouching and petting some of the cake wolves that had scampered up to him.

"What do you want?" You muttered, glaring at him. He looked up, and glared right back.

"I'm just taking a break. Calm down." He retorted defensively, looking back down and murmuring to himself. You scoffed, turning around and looking out the window. You realized it was unlocked, and you pushed it upwards a small bit, before there were frantic, quick footsteps behind you and Red Velvet grabbed your wrist.

"What on Earthbread do you think you're doing?" He growled.

"I'm getting some fresh air in here. Don't fucking touch me." You said back, hitting his hand. He pulled it away, shaking it quickly, before scowling.

"Fine. Don't open that window more than it is now." He turned, and went back to the cake hounds, leaving you alone by the window. You opened it just enough to get your arms through, and stuck them out, properly relaxing a little since you were first captured. Every now and then, you'd hear him say things under his breath, but he didn't sound happy; more resentful.

"Wow. You sound just so thrilled to be with them." You said, looking at him out of the corner of your eye. He looked up, surprisingly not angry; he just seemed.. guilty. He sighed.

"The reason I put you in this job was because I can't stand being around them without him. He was the only thing keeping me fighting for the cakes." He said, resting his chin in his hands. You turned, interested.

"Do tell me more."

"My.. my cake hound. Was stolen by cookies like you. Cookies who don't care for others." He sounded embarrassed. You paused, blinking at him.

"...what was his name, Red Velvet?" You asked, leaning forward. Red Velvet had a faraway look in his eyes, as if reminiscing of something that never existed.

"Chiffon. His name was Chiffon. I don't know I-" you lunged forward, standing rigid.

"I know where he is." You blurt out, staring at him. He stands up, panicked, and you instantly regret it. "I-I mean..."

"Where is he? Where is he?!?" He asks, walking towards you. Your heart sinks.

"I.. I can't tell you. I'm s-" he grabs your throat, and holds you up against the wall.

"Where is he, Y/N...?" He demands, emotion flickering through his angry facade.

"I just said I c-can't tell you- please put me down-" you plead. Hesitantly, he lets go, and you drop to the ground, nearly falling but managing to keep your balance. He turns, hurt in his eyes. Walking out the door, he slams it behind him, and you're left alone. You thought you'd feel something more positive or neutral, but all you feel is guilt. Sighing, you look out the window again, hoping to lose yourself in the scenery.

𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓻𝔂 | Red Velvet x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now