♠ Deserting ♠

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The rest of that day was quiet. You spent most of it pacing around, planning. As soon as night fell, you ushered Chea into your tent, making sure she couldn't squeeze out but she still could see. You turned to Red Velvet, frowning.

"I'm going to try and get some of my stuff. Maybe some extras, too. I'd say get ready to pack up at a moment's notice." He have you an inquisitive stare.

"What do you mean 'some extras?'"

"Oh, basics. Food. The messenger bag that I bought but forgot at my room. Maybe another saddle for my horse. Hell, maybe a horse for you. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to grab."

Red Velvet tilted his chin up in acknowledgment. "So you're going to steal?"

"..Basically. Not like it's effect me much anyways. Technically, through Chea, I'm a criminal already."

He nodded slightly, and you headed through the bushes. As soon as you saw the secret entrance, you cursed under your breath.

There were guards posted outside of it.

You worked your way around, but every entrance seemed to have a guard.

All except one.

One that had been long forgotten, and had vines growing over it. Nobody had used it in a while, you guessed. Darting quickly across the path, you reached it, and fiddled with the door handle until it quietly slid open. You closed it, and then realized you had entered a room that had lights on. People were talking, and you drew in a quick, quiet breath.

You were on the second level of a room used to plan battles.

You heard Madeleine talking, and you pressed against the wall, working your way around to try and get to a door on the other side. You half-listened to his conversation with who you guessed to be a few knights.

"She's probably here. We can get to her and kill that beast, whether or not one of them is asleep." You heard a hand slam onto the table, and you dared to inch closer. Madeleine had one hand on the edge of the table, and was pointing to a spot near the field you and Red Velvet were camping on the edge of.

But he was pointing to the wrong side.

Swallowing hard, half with relief and half with dread, you pressed back to the wall and worked your way around to the other door. Opening it softly with the door below as the knights left, leaving Madeleine alone. You walked cautiously near the edge, and realized Madeleine was facing your direction, eyes downcast. He sighed, and glanced up, seemingly looking to the paintings behind you.


He glanced back down, and did a double take, staring at you with wide, horrified eyes. You stared right back for a moment, before whipping around and sprinting through the door. There was a yell, but you kept going, taking a sharp turn and ending up right in front of your room. You rushed in through the door, which was slightly opened, and just barely slid under the bed, grasping your hands over your mouth.

The door flew open, the lights flicked on, and you saw Madeleine's shadow fall on the ground in front of the bed. He was breathing heavily.

"Y/N?! ...Y/N?" He called, quieter the second time. You didn't move, holding your breath. He looked around, never even guessing under the bed, before sighing and exiting, slamming the door behind him. After a while, you caught your breath, relieved, and you slid out, slowly and painfully.

Looking around the room, you grabbed the messenger bag from the nightstand. It was large enough to hold lots of valuables, and, judging from the weight, it still had a lot of your pocket money. Madeleine had given you a lot to get the bag, and he let you keep the change. "A gift from friend to friend," he had said. Turning to the window, you shouldered it open, and breathed a shallow sigh of relief. There was a small roof outcrop beneath it to catch you.

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