♠ Purgatory ♠

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You awoke, eyes opening lazily to see the dirty stone ground beneath you. You try to stand, but feel a pang in your head, and stumble, expecting to hear the clang of your chestplate and the weight of your bag, which you had brought with you to the tower. But you felt and heard none of it; whoever that was had taken your bag, chestplate, sword, and had even managed to cut the pouches holding the metal plates in your leggings to remove them. The guard, a werehound brute, turns, stares at you for a few seconds, before darting out of the room. You realize you're in a jail cell; there's a fairly large lock, so you walk slowly forward. Man, you're sure glad you bind your hair with wire. Taking the wire loop out, you bend it straight, and fiddle it into the lock, trying unsuccessfully several times before there's footsteps outside the door. Quickly, you pull it out, and sit back against the wall, burying your head in your knees. You want to make this as difficult as possible, if anyone wants to talk to you. The door opened, before slamming shut, the sound ringing through the room.

"Hey, you. You alive there?" A harsh voice asked. It was familiar.. oh great. You sat silent. There was quick muttering between him and the guard, before he seemed to have turned, walking out and speaking to himself under his breath. You lifted your head, staring at the Werehound brute.

"...where am I? Why am I here?" You demanded, standing up and grabbing the bars. The Werehound opened its mouth to speak, before snapping it shut and rushing out of the room. Perfect. You picked up the wire again, and fiddled with the lock. Just as you were about to get the satisfying click, the door flew open.

"Nice try." The mysterious cookie said. Before you could shrink away from the bars, he grabbed your arm, pulling it out of the cell and taking the wire from your hands, before shoving you back in. Shit.

"Now... repeat those questions." He ordered, putting his hands behind his back. You glared at him.

"I don't want to speak with you. You're the reason I have to ask them." You hissed, resting against the wall. He scowled.

"Alright then... I brought you food. It seems to have been a while since you've eaten." He tossed a rucksack into the cell, and turned to leave.

"I'm not eating your food. I'm going home." You muttered, kicking it aside. He must've heard, since he looked over his shoulder.

"Then starve. You're not going anywhere for a long while."

And with that you were alone with the guard again. It tried to make conversation, but you tilted your head at every word, so it gave up solemnly. Every now and then, Red Velvet would poke his head through the door, see you hadn't eaten yet, and leave. You were starting to get hungry, but you wouldn't give in and eat yet. So you waited. And waited. And then you got tired of it.

Standing up, you walked to the bars, and, finding two loose ones, you shook them back and forth, filling the room with deafening clangs; eventually, the Werehound brute, who had pinned its noise-sensitive ears, ran out of the room. You smiled, fully knowing there was probably no soundproofing. And then he walked in again.

"CAN YOU JUS-" he stopped talking as he watched you not listen, so he resorted to grabbing his sword and pushing you against the back wall with the tip of it.

"If you pull that again you won't be very happy anymore, understood?" He growled, pushing a little more forcefully.

"It's not like I'm happy right now anyways. Do your worst." You spat, pushing the sword down with your hand. He stared at you, surprised, before turning around and walking briskly out the door, the Werehound brute taking his spot quickly. You knew you had to wait before you did it again, so you paced until you were certain it would take him a bit to get to you. Before you started back up again, you tapped the Werehound brute on the shoulder.

𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓻𝔂 | Red Velvet x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now