♠ Cornered ♠

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Almond slipped off his horse, muttering to himself.

Hankala was built well, yet it was always inconvenient.

Wind swept through the narrow path, sending a gust of wind swirling around the detective as he raised an arm to block it from his eyes. Working his way into the streets, he took note of the silence. The city was usually bustling this early, but everyone was asleep thanks to the late festivities last night. He looked down the street, and spotted the person who'd called him here.


The knight waved at him from the end of the road, calling him over silently, and Almond listened, flipping out the collar of his trench coat as he walked. Madeleine met him halfway.

"Almond, I've got new information."

"Make this quick, Madeleine. I've got a case over in Blaynugar I need to get to soon. Something about a gem thief." He'd have to be here in two days anyways to initiate his part of the deal he'd made with Pomegranate, but the partial lie slid off his tongue too easily to skip the opportunity to make a case.

Madeleine frowned. "Alright, alright. Good news: Y/N and Red Velvet came through yesterday. Bought a couple things. Bad news: Y/N is armed with a ranged weapon now."

Almond's eyes widened. "How did you learn?"

"The one who gave her the weapon. A blacksmith in this town; he's struggling financially, so he had no choice. I don't blame him."

The detective frowned. "Fine. Where do you reckon they are now?"

"Somewhere in the woods over there." He pointed to the hill, the only noticeable change in elevation here apart from the distant mountains. "I talked to the blacksmith earlier. At the top, that hill turns into a semi-forested plateau. Lots of cover to ambush them. There's a gorge at the top that splits the woods from the prairie."

"So you want to...? What? There's a lot of ways to approach this, you know."

"Capturing her isn't a lost cause yet. We'll try that."

"Alright. When do we go..?"

"Soon. This afternoon would be best, since I have to ask around and get a few more witnesses to try and triangulate their location."

"Could I go scout in the meantime? I bet I could find clues to where they are exactly."

"Whatever makes you happy. Just remember. If you do find them, only use lethal force if they threaten you with it first."

"Mhm. I get it."


The entire morning had been near fruitless.

To be honest, he wasn't even looking for the convicts. He was looking for Pomegranate.

This could be important to the deal. No blood would have to be shed after all. Well, not yet, at least. That new information Madeleine told him about his plan helped a lot.

The voice he'd been trying to track finally came as he was about to turn around and go back.

"Tsk tsk. You show up early, just to go in the wrong direction? Their camp is that way."

Almond turned around, spotting the priestess leaned against a tree. He narrowed his eyes.

"I'm not looking for them. I was looking for you. The deal, I-"

𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓻𝔂 | Red Velvet x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now