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"Where are the girls sneha? Why are they taking so much time?" asked the assistant event manager impatiently.

 "Oh here they are. Girls, take your positions right now. arjun sir will be here in a minute. And mind you, no steps should go wrong," hollered sneha, the choreographer. 

That minute lingered for more than 10 minutes when Arjun sharma entered the rehearsal room. "Hey sneha, how are you doing?" asked arjun as he approached the choreographer. His boyish grin with a naughty glint in eyes could make any girl fall for him instantly. That was the trait his father also wanted to cash in while launching him for his debut movie under the Singhania Films production. The movie was due to be released in a few days, and the promotional activities had taken toll on the entire production unit. The final pre-release showcase before the D-day was planned in the most coveted award function of Bollywood. Arjun was supposed to shake his legs with his co-star inaya, another starlet from this industry, on the most sensuous song from the movie.

"Where is inaya?" asked arjun while taking his position between the supporting dancers.

 "I tried calling her, but she did not pick up the phone. Then she sent a text saying she won't be able to make it today," said the embarrassed event manager. 

"What? And you are telling me that now? How am I supposed to do this technical rehearsal without the female lead?" shouted arjun.

 Sir, one of these girls can do a proxy for her. inaya ma'am has already picked up the steps, so she will be able to do it right on the stage." arjun rolled his eyes and signaled to proceed. 

"Hey you, nandini, come here. You know the steps of ma'am; I have seen you practicing with her before. Dance with sir as ma'am's proxy," instructed sneha.

 "Ok," replied nandini, while stepping towards arjun with trepidation.

The music started and everyone moved in pre-meditated dance steps. arjun was a good dancer; he had prepared himself well for his launch pad. His lead for each move was perfect, making nandini more comfortable and nimble in response. 

"Hmmm, you dance well girl," smirked arjun while finishing off with a tango step. 

"Perfect finish sir," shouted sneha, as the music halted.

 "sneha, could I do it one more time? I am stuck at places," said arjun while still holding onto nandini's hand. 

"Ok sir. Girls, you can take rest. And nandini, you have to accompany arjun sir," instructed sneha.

arjun and nandini covered the whole floor this time for the dance. Their moves were more complete and full of life, and everyone present applauded and cheered when they finished. 

"You are amazing, I enjoyed dancing with you, miss.." "nandini," answered nandini shyly.

 "Your steps were quite, umm, sensuous. Perfect body language for Latin dances. Anyway, see you on the award night," winked arjun and left the room. nandini was blushing red. She thanked god that no one else heard his words.

"I am so happy soha, I danced with Arjun Sharma, the Arjun Sharma ," exclaimed nandini, while soha, who was among the other dancing girls could not hide her jealousy and frustration. 

"Oh god nandu, please stop it! I know, I was there when you were dancing," replied soha. nandini was hurt seeing her indifference, but she stopped herself from expressing her excitement in front of her roommate anymore.

 Nevertheless, it was only soha who had helped her in her dire need. nandini had been living with her Chacha-Chachi in a small town in Mangalore, as she had lost her parents at a very young age. When she completed her college studies, her Chacha became too eager to get her married off and liberate themselves from her burden. But she had dreams for her life, and for once she protested and bid them farewell in pursuit of a brighter future in Mumbai. She knew her Chacha-Chachi would not bother, as this saved them her wedding cost. On reaching Mumbai, she felt herself drowned in the crowds of strangers. It was only soha who provided her a refuge in this unknown city. soha was her childhood friend who had fled to Mumbai even before completing her school studies. She had always aspired to be a big name in the film industry. She had struggled a lot and after numerous failed attempts, she had settled for the extra' roles. She was also a member of the famous dance troupe who provided supporting dancers for movie songs or public functions. As nandini was also a good dancer, it was easy to pull her in the troupe.


There was a huge hustle inside the green room after sneha's announcement. "What? inaya ma'am has broken her leg? Then who will dance in her place?" panicked the assistant event manager.

 "Please don't shout, let me think," replied an equally nervous sneha. 

"sneha, where is inaya?" arjun barged in the ladies greenroom without warning. 

"Sir, she won't come.." "Call that girl who danced with me last day. Call her, right now!!" shouted arjun. nandini was dressed in a blue costume, same as the other girls. "Give her inaya's dress, and prepare her in 5 minutes, did you hear me?" blasted arjun and left.

"Don't be nervous nandini. All the cameras will be focusing on you and me. Just be relaxed, dance the way you danced last time. It will be great, trust me," said arjun to assure nandini who was trembling out of nervousness. She had never faced such a big crowd, that too as the lead dancer. She closed her eyes, prayed to her god, took a deep breath and stepped on the stage. As she took her position and the limelight fell on her, she felt an unusual frenzy. Her nervousness had been replaced all by a strange feeling of confidence and a want for approval, approval from the plethora of cheering spectators filling up the stadium.

Their dance literally set the stage on fire, and the crowd howled at the top of their voice, demanding a repeat performance. "nandini, you did it. You freaking girl, you just did it!" exclaimed arjun and hugged her tight at the backstage. nandini was too frantic to take in anymore excitement. 

"arjun, you are being called on the stage with the film cast," shouted the assistant director. arjun broke the hug and rushed towards the stage again. 

Nandini was left dumbfounded, it was all a cloudburst of emotions; the frenzied crowds, the cheering noise, the blinding lights, all were driving her crazy. But it took her several hours to realize the biggest impact, when she slept at night and had a dream, where she was dancing with Arjun and there was no one else; only the two dancers and a spot light following their steps.


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