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Ritik was pacing up and down MM's office, with the newspapers in his hand and a deep frown on his face. The door opened and he stopped to see MMentering his office.

"Good morning ritik," greeted MM with a smile.

"What's so good about this morning for you MM?" reproved ritik. MM narrowed his eyes in question when ritik threw the newspapers on his desk.

"Look, what your favourite heroine has been doing all night with that rascal son of sharma," hissed ritik.

MM had woken up late in the morning so did not get time to read the morning paper. Now, in front of him lay the page 3 of leading news circulations, all displaying a familiar face on his desk; nandini caught in action with arjun, in various intimate positions while dancing in the club. One even showed arjun kissing her nape while embracing her tight from the back.

Almost all had the same headline, "B-town's new sizzling hot romance, caught live." MM gritted his teeth as he could feel the rage brimming up inside.

"I really do not care about her personal life MM. I am not her guardian. But this will have much deeper impact in her film-career. If she falls for the trap by the sharmas, very soon all the other doors in this industry will be closed for her. And she will fall flat on her face, much faster than it took her to rise up the steps of success!!" said ritik and went near the door to leave.

"ritik," called MM from behind, "I will not let that happen to her, I promise. Her career is as much my endeavor as hers. I won't let that go down the drain so easily."

Nandini had a terrible hangover that morning. She felt an beat of the music pounding in her head. It was an effect of the intake of the strong alcohol all evening, as well as shedding off of uncontrollable tears all night after MM's refusal of her love declaration. Her bloodshot eyes felt heavy and dry. She called up the director of her ongoing film to postpone her schedule by a day, as she was not feeling well. She decided to take a nap in her room and asked her maid not to disturb her if anyone called her.

MM pressed the doorbell once. After not being answered in half a minute, he pressed it again. As the door opened, the maid peeped out and seeing him said, "Madam ki tabiyat thik nahin hain. Woh aapse nahin milegi."

MM pushed open the door as the maid jumped back in fear. MM pulled out two 500 rupees notes from his pocket and thrust that in her hand, and said, "Aaj tumhari chutti hai. Tum kal aana." "Par madam ki tabiyat.." "Main dekh lunga. Tum jao," shouted MM and the maid left without wasting anytime.

Nandini was sleeping when she heard some Disturbance and walked into the living room. She stood petrified seeing MM close the door and approaching her menacingly. Before she could turn back to evade, he clutched her shoulders and pushed her back on the wall with a thud. His eyes looked insane, as did his contorted expression.

As nandini opened her mouth to express her shock, he slammed his lips on hers, taking her fully unaware. He pressed her hard against the wall, almost crushing her fragile body between his hard chest and the wall. His nails dug deep in her soft skin, as his grip tightened on her hands. But the most torturous ordeal was his kiss. He bit her lips until they gave way to his tongue that invaded the hollow of her mouth and tied her tongue to it. He wanted to punish her, torture her and make her plead for his forgiveness. It was this girl, who was making him lose his sanity, bit by bit, everyday. It was this girl, who was evoking a storm in his placid life with those eyes that had the power to trap the whole world in them. It was this girl, who was making fun of his mental strength by rebuking him, and quashing his self-control by being rebellious. She would have to pay for her audacity, so that she would not dare to do the same in future.

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