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"Hello MM, how is everything going with your film?" asked Harshad over the phone.

"It's as much your movie harshad, as it is mine," replied MM, "I called to invite you to the premier show of the film in Mumbai on 24thof this month. It will be my privilege to have you with us in the opening show."

"Oh that's great MM. But I have to be here in Dubai for an important business. But I am coming over to India tomorrow. So we can catch up and have our special pre-release celebration. What say?"

"That will be great. I want you to meet the heroine of my movie this time," said MM excitedly.

"Your excitement says she is more than just your movie's heroine MM," said Harshad laughingly, "We will definitely meet up."

Nandini had been in the seventh heaven from the evening MM had proposed her. She declared in the media that she was taking a short break from movies, and started planning for her wedding secretly. All the hustle-bustle of the film release kept MM occupied, so Nandini took up the preparations in her own hand. MM had not reveal about harshad to anyone in his team, not even nandini.

So, after harshad reached Mumbai the following day, MM invited him to his place for a special dinner with Nandini.

"Who is this harshad? Have I met him before?" asked nandini.

"Uh-uh," replied MM, while nudging his nose against nandini's nape.

"Tell me MM, who is he? And why are you so excited to introduce me to him?"

"He is the producer of this movie Nandu. It's only because of him I am again back on my feet. He is our god," said MM.

Nandini was surprised to hear that all these days she had no idea who the actual man was, funding this movie. Anyway, she wanted to show as much gratitude as possible, as her MM's dream had been realized only because of this man's help.

Harshad came with a bottle of finest champagne and a bouquet of rare orchids for nandini. After exchanging pleasantries, they sat for dinner. Harshad asked them all about the film and its making. He kept on praising MM's directorial talent and nandini's glamourous on-screen presence. Nandini was studying the man during their conversation and somewhere she felt something wrong.

"Mr. Saxena," asked nandini.

"Call me harshad, nandini ji," interrupted harshad.

"Yes harshad, I was curious about your business in Dubai. What exactly are you dealing with?" asked nandini.

"Hmm, that is a difficult question to answer, you know. I have many businesses. I have partnership in some major oil companies in the Emirates. Then I have some business here in the Southern Asia as well."

After he left, nandini asked MM, "Didn't you feel a little bit strange about him MM?"

"Why do you say so nandu? He is a nice man, a perfect gentleman," replied MM.

"Yes he is a gentleman. But why was he so catch about his business? And why did he put so much money in this film at the first place?" asked nandini.

"So my nandu is becoming MM the unbeliever, huhn?" asked MM and pulled her close for a kiss.

The film studio was decorated like the Mughal Diwan-e-Khaas on the premier night. Hundreds of reporters and photographers mobbed the entrance to catch a glimpse of the flood of the tinsel town stars, both big and small, swarming inside to be a part of the biggest event of the year in the industry. Few big names like the Sharmas and Singhs were missing in the party, but everyone else present gawked at the extravaganza of the sets and decor.

Nandini was wearing a gorgeous red saree and as she came on the dais, everyone cheered and complemented her divine beauty. "Enjoying the limelight my dear?" whispered MM from behind as he held her by waist and waved at the audience.

The party was in its full vigour, when suddenly there was a commotion at the entrance. The security in charge came running to MM and said, "Sir, they are saying there have been serial blasts all over Mumbai. You please call off this party."

"What? Serial blasts! nandu, come here, fast," shouted MM. The crowd in the party hall dissolved in minutes, when people hurried out, to reach the safe haven of their home, or enquire about their near and dear ones in the other parts of the city.

Mumbai city was yet again targeted by the terrorists. About fifteen major blasts shook the city and took away hundreds of lives. News of the blasts and fatalities swarmed the television channels.


MM was in his office after two days, when the police declared all the undetonated bombs have been diffused. He went through the box-office reports. The serial blasts had affected the normal rhythm of the city, and definitely no one had the mind to watch movies in the theaters. MM was scrutinizing the reports when his phone buzzed out loud.

"Yes Nandu, what happened?" "Where are you MM? Where are you?" shouted Nandini over the phone.

"I am at my office. Why? What happened? Why are you so tensed?" asked MM.

"All the news channels are flashing the news that..that.." sobbed Nandini. "What Nandu?" "That harshad was behind all these blasts. And they say that police is trying to nab everyone involved with him in this blast, everyone who assisted him in getting into Mumbai with his men," cried out nandini.

Before MM could think of any reasonable reply, he noticed three officers in uniform entering his office. "Good morning Mr. Malhotra. We have a warrant in your name. You have to come to the police station for some enquiry," said the senior officer. Before MM could say anything, he was led into the police van.


what's going happened nextt!!!!!!!!!!!

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