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"Hey Soha, could you please help me with the make up?" asked nandini with foundation and brush in her hand. 

"Where are you going with all the make-up huhh?" enquired soha while taking the brush from her hand.

"There is one photo shoot, nothing important. Just that I want to look good there, you know," replied nandini hesitatingly. She did not want to divulge anything to soha as yet. "Ok, but come back soon. Today we will go for the movie, remember?"


nandini reached the studio room where the look-test was supposed to take place. On entering she saw manik busy instructing the Lightman about the different angles. 

"Mr. Malhotra, hi," said nandini. manik turned to face her and grimaced, "What do you think you have come here for nandini?"

Nandini was confused and said, "The look-test."

"And is this how you are going to look for your look-test? Do you think I am doing a film on call-girls?" manik shouted at her face. 

nandini's legs gave in hearing such ridiculous words from him. "Who did that to you?" "My friend, soha," murmured nandini. 

"Either your friend does not know ABCD of make-up or she is just jealous of your natural beauty. Make up! Hair! Come here, right now!!" Two women came running to him. 

"Take nandini to the greenroom and wipe off that hideous make-up from her face and bring her back with bare minimal make-up and that off-white saree that I had chosen. Go right now!!" And the women dragged a petrified nandini out of his sight immediately.

"Ma'am please don't cry. I won't be able to finish your make up in time," pleaded the younger women of the two.

"I do not want to work here anymore. Please let me go," cried nandini while wiping her running nose.

"Don't cry ma'am. MM sir seems very rude from outside, he wants everything perfect for his shooting. But inside he is a very nice man. See, I am not a hi-fi fashionable make-up artist like you will see in other production houses, but he prefers me saying I can give the simplest look to his heroines and they look their best in front of the camera. And you are so beautiful without any make-up, why would you need to paint yourself like that?" nandini did not answer. 

"How old are you ma'am?" asked the hairdresser while managing her hair. "20 years," replied nandini. "Good, you will be in this industry for a long time. You know na heroines hardly manage to keep their place in the industry till 32-33. After that they are not even considered for good roles."

By the time nandini came out of the room, the floor was ready for the look-test. siddharth was standing at a corner with the assistant director. Seeing nandini he smiled and nandini also felt better. 

"So is everyone ready for the look-test?" asked manik. "Yes," was the collective response from his team. 

manik signaled both nandini and siddharth to come at the center of the floor. she stood there with her head bent down, unwilling to face any further mockery from manik. She saw two booted feet approaching her. Before she lifted her head to see who it was, a large splash of water landed on her and drenched her from head to toe. She gulped in some of it and discovered to her shock that it was none other than manik. 

"Mr. Malhotra, how dare you?" shouted nandini, unable to keep her rage in control. 

"First of all, call me MM, because that is the name I am used to be called in this industry. And secondly this is a part of your make-up. Remember '?" jeered MM and took his position behind the monitor.

They were taking snapshots and short recordings of various situations planned for the movie. In one such clipping MM instructed Siddharth to hug nandini from back, and then move his hand over her exposed belly while kissing her nape. siddharth looked at nandini unsurely and saw her expression. So he just stood back without any movement. 

"Siddharth, we do not have the whole day for this. Come on, hug her!" shouted manik from behind the monitor. siddharth took one step towards her and nandini shook her head in refusal.

 Manik lost his patience completely and barged on the floor. "What's your problem nandini? Why aren't you cooperating with him?" 

Nandini turned back and ran towards the greenroom. "This girl is getting on my nerves now!!" muttered manik and followed her.

Before nandini could lock the door behind her MM pushed himself in. He clenched her hands and pushed her hard on the wall. "What is your problem nandini? Is it so difficult to let siddharth touch you in front of everyone? Did you feel the same when arjun used to make you dance with him all night?" hissed MM. 

"That is none of your business MM! And as for siddharth, I can't let anyone touch me like that when scores of people have their eyes fixed on our every movement!" 

"Ahaan, so how will you accept the fact when thousands of people in the movie theaters will be to look each and every part of you on the silverscreen? Do you think it is that easy to become a heroine?" shouted manik on her face. 

"I did not ask you to make me your film's heroine. You have forced me into this. But I cannot do things beyond a limit, not yet," sobbed nandini. 

MM'sface softened a little. "Look nandini, siddharth is a decent guy. He won't take any undue advantage of this situation, and I can guarantee you that. And as for the other people, I will ask them to leave the floor and only the assistant directors and cameramen will be there. Will you be comfortable with that?" nandini nodded her head although her teary eyes were not as much confident. 

"Close your eyes," asked MM. As nandini closed her eyes she felt a feather touch on her belly which moved to her back and held her securely. She forced her eyes shut although inside she was bursting with emotions completely unknown to her. She felt his warm breath on her neck.

Manik whispered, "This is exactly what you are supposed to feel and do in front of the camera. It is just as easy." When nandini opened her eyes MM was already out of the room.

Nandini came out to see almost an empty floor with 4-5 people including MM and siddharth. She came and stood beside siddharth and whispered, "Sorry." 

"It's ok buddy," smiled siddharth and approached her. "Perfect!" exclaimed MM, as the act was over.


let's see what's going to happen further

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