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"Please sit down Mr. Malhotra. I am ACP Abhimanyu Khanna. I am in charge of the serial blasts investigation that shook Mumbai day before yesterday," said the stern looking man in uniform.

MM looked at him skeptically and asked, "Why have I been brought here?"

"Mr. Malhotra, we need your assistance in the blast investigation, and believe you will cooperate with us," replied ACP abhimanyu gravely.

MM wanted to give back an answer, but decided to keep mum. "I would also like to add that we have sufficient evidences, so, do not try to elude, but speak only the truth. Do you know Hard had sexana?"

MM nodded his head. "I can't hear you Mr. Malhotra."

"Yes, I know him," barked MM.

"That's like the way I want it," smirked ACP and said, "Give us some more details, like when and how did you meet him? What was the dealing you had with him?"

"He had financed my last film," replied MM hesitantly.

"But his name was not credited anywhere in your movie. Why was that Mr. Malhotra?" asked ACP while taking a seat beside MM.

"He wanted to remain anonymous for his first project in the industry."

"And it never struck you as anything abnormal?" asked ACP with a raised eyebrow.

"Every businessman has his own style in dealing with his investments. So I did not bother to question his motive," replied MM sternly.

"Did you even try to know about his background?" asked ACP, this time quite irritated.

"Why are you asking me all these questions? What does it have to do with the serial blasts?" snapped MM.

"It has the entire connection with the blasts Mr. Malhotra," shouted ACP, "For your information, Harshad Sexana is on the list of top 10 most wanted fugitives of this country, among various others. He had been running havoc in Mumbai about 7 years back with his ammunition and drugs dealings. He was known as Sultan back then. Does that ring a bell Mr. Malhotra?"

MM looked at him exasperatedly. About 7-8 years back, this name was flashed in the media every day. He recollected how the police was fooled by this Sultan and his men. But finally when Mumbai police succeeded to nab few of his close associates, he fled from the country. MM's face blanched at the horror of the truth.

ACP continued narrating, "Sultan struggled a lot to elude Interpol and finally managed to gain a whole new identity of Harshad Sexana, a successful businessman in the Middle-east. He had been trying to infiltrate his men in India for quite a long time, and you being a RESPONSIBLE citizen of India, paved the easiest path for him, to enter the film industry and spread his men all over the city to chalk out the snistral plan and execute it successfully!!"

MM's breath was heavy, as he tried to assimilate the terrifying information. ACP leaned closer to him and asked, "Can you fathom what a big trench you have dug in for yourself and this country? I guess you do not have any evidence or witness to prove your innocence in all these mess?"

MM did not respond, and kept his gaze down. "I am sorry Mr. Malhotra, until and unless you can produce enough evidence that you had no inkling about this deadly scheme of serial blasts during your dealings with harshad, we cannot relieve you. You will be taken under police custody."

MM held his head in his hands and let out a sigh of expression. "Can I make a call please?" "Only one," replied ACP.

Nandini was speeding up the car through the busy traffic of Mumbai. She violated a few signals, ignored the blaring honks of the cars close by. "Get me a good lawyer nandu, I am screwed completely," were MM's words that kept on buzzing in her ears. As she reached her destination, she parked the car and jumped out.

All the media was running abuzz with the latest development of the investigation. "Involvement of the filmdom and the underworld" "MM turned traitor to his country for money" were some of the headlines being flashed continuously.

"Bloody fool, I had told you repeatedly not to fall for that girl and ruin your career. See where you landed yourself in MM!!" muttered ritik under his breath.

"Saab, koi nandini madam ayi hai aapse milne," informed his servant.

Ritik was instantly tempted to refuse meeting her, but after a second thought said, "Bring her in."

"What have you come here for nandini, after ruining MM's career and life?" shouted ritik as nandini stepped in.

"What is it? What do you want now?" "MM needs your help ritik. He is innocent. He did not anything about harshad's motives," pleaded nandini.

"I know very well MM is innocent. But he was fool enough to fall in this trap, only because of you!! He was so dazed in your love that he lost everything for it," snapped Ritik.

"Please ritik, he needs a good lawyer, in fact the best. I know you have good connections everywhere. Please help him, please," pleaded nandini as tears rolled down her cheeks. Ritik kept staring at her and contemplated a way ahead.



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