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Nandini stared at her wardrobe full of multitude of colours and patterns. "What should I wear? God, there is nothing that I can wear," she mumbled and took out yet another dress and threw on her bed, and it landed on the pile of clothes already lying there. Suddenly she saw a black net saree with red embroidery and minute sequins. Her furrowed forehead straightened, and her lips curved in a smile.

Manik opened the door with the key that nandini had given him in the morning. The maid had been asked to go for 2 days leave in the weekend. Manik headed straight towards nandini's bedroom and the sight amused him to no end. There was a huge heap of clothes lying on the bed, some hanging down, touching the floor. Some pairs of stylish footwear lying scattered, the dressing table strewn with necklaces and danglers.

He looked around for the perpetrator of this upheaval, but seeing her nowhere around, he called out, "nandu, where are you? We are getting late."

"I am here," said nandu while entering the room from the balcony. The cool breeze blew her pallu and the curls of her hair fell all over her face.

Seeing manik standing dumbfounded, she asked hesitantly, "Am I looking very bad? Then just give me 10 minutes, I will change." As she tried to walk past him.

Manik caught her wrist and stopped her, "You look wonderful nandu, never in my life my birthday gift has been so gorgeous. Let's go." Nandini blushed hearing his words and nodded yes.

It was a muharat party of madhyam singhania's new movie. All the industry big shots were present there to wish him luck for his new movie. As manik entered the party hall with nandini, everyone looked around to have a glimpse of the gorgeous couple.

"Wow, look who's here to glorify my party, the iron man of this industry with his muse. Welcome MM, welcome nandu," greeted madhyam and hugged them both.

"Happy birthday dost," whispered madhyam at MM's ears, as he knew MM would avoid letting others know about it.

"Thanks buddy," replied MM with a smile. Nandini left them and went ahead to meet other people in the party.

"Hmm, so it seems someone has decided to take my suggestions," said madhyam and winked at him.

MM just shook his head while smiling and said, "Bakwaas bandh kar. Let me go around and meet people."

MM was enjoying a drink with a veteran actor when arjun's father approached him. "Hey MM, how are you doing? Planning any new movie with your muse?" said Mr. Sharma while pointing towards nandini.

MM turned to him and said, "Movies are my bread and butter, so I eat movie, drink movie and think only about movie."

"I have a proposition for you MM. Why not make a blockbuster family drama in my production with Arjun and nandini in the lead? Kab tak ritik ke middle-class production house me middle-class movie banaoge? Think about 100 crores budget, think about sharma's Films. arjun and nandini have a sizzling chemistry onscreen, just like SRK-Kajol. So what say MM? Are you game?" asked Mr. Sharma.

MM smirked at his proposition and replied, "If ritik's 10 crores movie can earn 40-50 crores, then why waste so much money in unnecessary extravagant sets, costumes and locations? No Mr. Sharma. I am not interested in your proposition, and neither nandini would work with arjun."

"Who are you to speak for nandini?" retorted Mr. Sharma.

MM gritted his teeth before replying, "nandini is my find in this industry, and I am her mentor. She will take the offers as I suggest her."

"Bahut ghamandi ho tum MM. But mark my words, this arrogance will take you nowhere. A day will come, very soon, when you will come begging to me for a movie. And that day you will get the same answer that you gave me today," spat Mr. Sharma and walked away.

Nandini was dancing with madhyam on the dance floor, when she spotted MM glaring at them from a distance.

Madhyam seeing her fidgeting asked, "Are you ok nandu?"

"It's getting late madhyam. I think we should leave," replied nandini and left the dance floor.  


"MM, talk to me. What happened? Why are you so pissed off?" asked Nandini as they entered her home.

MM grabbed her by the waist and pulled close to himself. "Getting too cosy with Madhyam, eh? You were supposed to be my birthday gift for tonight, only mine," hissed MM and crashed his lips on hers.

Without breaking the kiss, he pushed her slowly towards the music system and pressed the play button. As the music filled the air, he released her lips and whispered in her ears, "Shall we dance?"

They danced like they had nothing to care about in this world. MM spun her around and as Nandini locked herself in a close hold, he did not feel like letting her go for another spin and held her closer, feeling her skin with his fingers and brushing his lips on her face.

Next morning, nandini woke up late as it was a day off from the schedule. She opened her eyes and could not find MM by her side. For a moment her heart skipped and she rushed out of the bedroom to find MM busy making breakfast in the kitchen.

"MM, why didn't you wake me up? What are you making?" asked Nandini as she tried to peek from behind.

"You woke up so soon? I thought I would wake up my sleeping beauty with this hot breakfast," replied MM with a shrug.

"Wow, pancakes and mushroom omelette?" said Nandini excitedly, and then said softly without looking at MM.
"Is life after marriage this blissful?"

MM paused for a moment, and replied, "It is, if both the partners have enough time and love for each other."

Nandini did not want to bring up that topic during this lasting time and place, but her innocent question gave answers more than she asked for.



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