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It took 6 months for MM to get justice. Harshad got arrested by the Interpol in Latvia, where he was planning for another catastrophe targeting the European cities. But his plans were foiled by an astute intelligence group and as rendition, he was sent to an unknown prison in some island in the Pacific, where his interrogation and trial were being conducted. Because of his major involvement in the Mumbai blast, a special Indian task force was allowed to get his confession and extract information about his abetters.

Among the task force, ACP Abhimanyu was quite junior, so his turn came last in interrogation. "You have only 2 minutes to ask anything to harshad," said the team leader. And he asked the only question that had been bothering him for long. "Was the Bollywood film director Manik Malhotra anyhow involved in your sinister scheme?" "No," came the reply from a worn out Harshad Sexana aka Sultan , who had been through enough physical and mental torture by now, "I had used him as a means to get into India." "Time over," announced the prison in charge. As harshad was being dragged inside by the chains in his limbs, ACP Abhimanyu kept staring at him, saying, "One last good deed you have done harshad. I hope it pays you off at the judgement day."

Nandini waited outside the Central Jail gate with ritik and siddharth. MM was supposed to be relieved by noon. Nandini nervously kept checking her watch and at the gate.

"There he comes," said ritik as the gate opened.

"Be strong nandu, he needs your support now," said siddharth as he squeezed her shoulder.

As the lone figure approached the trio with a lazy stroll, nandini's eyes filled with tears. As if the last six months had taken ten years from MM. His face looked sunken and dry, his side burns starting to grey out, and most shockingly his eyes, which had lost all the sheen.

He looked blankly at them and said, "Thanks for all your untiring effort in bringing me out so soon."

"MM, we tried our best. The lawyer we had appointed was the best. But.." "But what Ritik. I had such a weak case that even the country's best lawyer could not get me a bail, isn't it?" replied MM with a crooked smile.

"Anyway let's go. I need some fresh air, and space," said MM and headed towards the car. nandini could not help feel terrible as MM did not even try to acknowledge her once. But she kept mum and followed him.

"Where are you taking me?" asked MM. "To your flat," replied ritik.

As they approached the apartments, nandini got out of the car and seeing nandini also getting out, he said, "I want to be alone for some time. I would prefer if none of you follow me to my home."

Nandini was dumbstruck at his discourtesy, but then knowing about his nature, she did not insist. "I knew he would blame us for the delay. He has never learnt to accept his own mistakes," muttered ritik as he drove away with nandini and siddharth.

It had been two days after MM's release from the jail. Still he had not even called nandini once. She got very agitated on the third day and drove to his flat.

After pressing the door bell for 5-6 times, finally MM came to open the door. "MM, what's the matter with you? Why didn't you answer my calls?" asked nandini.

As she stepped in, the state of the room shocked her. All his film award statuettes were beheaded and strewn all over the floor. The huge wall paintings and photo frames were smashed and glass shards covered most of the floor. It looked like a storm had passed through the interior. "MM!! What has happened to you? Why are you doing this to yourself?" shouted Nandini and shook MM by his shoulders. MM looked unusually calm.

"Why are you being so crazy? You know I will be with you always, no matter what. Then why are you losing it?" asked nandini. MM slowly removed her hands from his shoulder.

"Today I have lost it all because of you!! It's you who has brought me to this hell," said MM very calmly and walked away to the balcony.



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