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"Hey Manik, this way," waved cabir as he spotted manik looking for them in the restaurant. 

"How are you buddy? It's been ages since we met last time, isn't it?" asked manik as he hugged his close friend from college. 

It was an informal reunion of these college friends after a long time since they met each other. All of them were now renowned personalities in the society, having earned their goodwill with their own capabilities. cabir, owner of a big textile industry, started reminiscing their college days. "dhruv, remember how manik had flirted with your girlfriend at the college fest?" 

"Oh I am thankful to manik for that, because I had a huge fight with her after that and we broke up. And thank god I did not continue with that pesky girl anymore. So manik, I know it's been 15 years since that incident, but please accept my gratitude for your help," said dhruv. 

manik burst out in laughter and said, "And I was thinking that you are still bearing a grudge against me all these years." 

"So tell us manik, how does it feel to be the big name MM of this film industry? Aren't you bored of receiving awards at every function all over the world?" asked Abhi amusingly. 

Manik smiled and replied, "It's an addiction. You won't get tired of it ever." Manik Malhotra aka MM in the film industry was indeed a name reverenced by all in the country as well as Indian film buffs all over the world. He was christened as the "Reality maker" of Bollywood, as his movies portrayed life on silver screen with stark truthfulness. Even the most popular actors dreamed of being cast in movies directed by him. His films had won accolades in the Cannes recently and he had been praised as the herald of movie renaissance in India.

"I read some article about your new venture which will be different it said," said dhruv.

 "Oh yes, every time my films are praised, the critics world pounces over me with some accusation or other. This time they came up with the notion that my films are good because I cast the best actors in the industry. So it is not my direction that brings out the best in them," uttered manik indignantly. 

"What rubbish!!" chimed in cabir. 

"So this time I have decided that I will cast completely new and unknown faces in my next film. I want to prove those critics that I can polish an uncut diamond into the Kohinoor of this industry," stated manik.

nandini was sitting with arjun at a table not far from the one occupied by manik and his friends. She was awestruck at the grandeur of this posh restaurant. She had never seen anything so lofty. She had been ecstatic from the moment arjun had asked her out on a dinner date. It had been 4 months since she had danced with arjun on the award night. 

Following that arjun's movie had released and was a huge success all over the country. He was a heartthrob of millions of school and college going girls who could swoon at the mention of his name. nandini never hoped of seeing him again but fate had other plans in mind. nandini's dance stint had won her some name in the advertisement world. She bagged a couple of commercials and while shooting for one such advertisement she met him again. And as before, arjun charmed her with his looks and sweet talks. arjun had asked her out a couple of times before, when they met at the chic night clubs of Mumbai, and danced all night. arjun enjoyed her feel in his hands, and whenever he felt like having some unbound relaxation from his hectic shoot schedules, he would ask her to meet for a dance night out.

nandini was getting enamored by his charm day by day. Although at the back of her mind she knew he did not reciprocate the same, yet she hoped for some hint from his gestures.

 "Oh I love that song Saiyaan Ji '. Neha's voice is just like butter, it melts in the ears," said arjun, bringing nandini out of the trance. 

"Yes it is," replied nandini, and realized how the words of the song worded her feelings for the person sitting with her.

manik was speaking to abhi when his eyes fell on the face of a girl sitting at the table behind his friend. It was not exactly her face that caught his attention, because she wore a loud make-up which did not do justice to her natural beauty. But her kohl smeared eyes were very expressive; they spoke volumes more than her lips. 

"Hey, isn't that the new star Arjun Sharma?" chimed in cabir,  

"must have picked up some fan-girl for his fancy. What a life these star kids enjoy." manik was about to say something when they heard arjun shouting at the girl. 

"What? Have you lost your mind girl? Do you know who you are talking to?" shouted arjun. nandini was taken aback by his reaction. 

"arjun, please don't create a scene. Everybody is looking at us," whispered nanidni, trying hard to control her tears. 

"You know what? It is I who should be worrying about my image, not a wannabe like you. I am out of here, right now," saying that he stood up and left the restaurant. 

nandini was petrified. What did go wrong? Why did he behave like that? "I just wanted to know about us arjun, how you wanted this to go ahead. Was that too much to ask for?" whispered nandini as she looked at the door though which arjun had exited few minutes back.

The onlookers in the restaurant stared at her for some time and then returned to their conversation. The waiter who was serving their table appraised the situation and returned with the bill, "Ma'am, this is the bill you must be waiting for." nandini jolted back to reality. 

"Bill?" They had ordered a full spread of the delicacies and wine which were lying on the table, mostly untouched. nandini felt the bile coming up to her throat. The waiter was clever enough; he left her to decide on her next step. 

Nandini's trembling fingers opened the bill, which was an huge amount. She knew the amount of cash she had in her wallet could not suffice and her debit card would also not come to help, as the account was yet to be credited with her pay. "What should I do? Should I call soha? But how can I make her pay that entire amount? What will I do now?" nandini contemplated. 

 "Ma'am, are you ready to pay yet?" asked the waiter. nandini's eyes were now fully clouded by moisture and before she could answer she heard a man's voice saying, 

"Oh sorry, I was late. You should not be paying for that cold food. You deserve something better." nandini turned to face a very elegant looking man, who had by that time placed his credit card on the bill flap and signaled the waiter to proceed with the payment.

Before nandini could comprehend the situation he sat on the chair previously occupied by arjun. "Please do not react. I saw you fumbling with your wallet for paying the bill. I did not want you to be ridiculed by the waiter. I will give you my name and number, you can repay me whenever you can," whispered manik . 

A tear rolled down nandini's cheek, and before she realized manik handed her a napkin. After the waiter came back with the receipt.Manik stood up and offered his hand to nandini. 

Seeing nandini perplexed expression he said, "Let's go. I know a better place for you." And they left the restaurant together.


manan's first meet %%%%%

hope you all like the update

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