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It's almost dark so now hyun should go to her new dorm and he want to help Hyun to brought her things. Hyun feel a little bit guilty cause he was pouting sadly .

Hyun give him a warm hug  .
Jeongwoo-ah , can you lower your head a little bit . Hyun ask because she can't reach his head.

Why should i ?
He ask curiously .
But he still lower his head and Hyun pat his head.

I'm sorry that i left you , i hope both of us can debut this year . If you want anything just call me okay , i'll always be by your side . Thank you for became my friend i was so happy when i'm around you . Thanks

He saw Hyun teary eyes and hug her one more time .

You too . Take care of your health , also call me anytime when things get hard . Thanks to you too . I love you so much and i'm glad to have a friend like you .

I hope we can meet often . You mumbled .

It's okay , atleast we can call each other right .

Why are you so dramatic .Get in now , it's getting cold outside . Get along with everyone , Okay . Atleast you have a new friend .

Okay.  You should go now . Be careful  Take care . Byeee !

He then go and Hyun get in her new dorm . Her new manager already told everything and have told  what is the password of the dorm door .

Hyun get in and the other trainee are sitting together in the living room waiting for her . All of them smiling when  she get in .

Hi , welcome to your new dorm!  They cheer playfully .

Do you need help with your things ? One of them ask Hyun .

Yeah , thank you . Hyun reply

Wow,  you are so pretty just like what our manager said . The other girl said .

Let me introduce myself first.  Hi ,  My Name is Kim Bae Hyun. I am from Iksan. I am 18 years old.

Hi , my name is Park Na Ra . I'm 19
You can just call me NaRa unnie since im  older than you .

And the other girl cut her off . Hi unnie , i'm Jung Ji Na . I'm 16 year old and i'm maknae here .

its my turn now , My name is Yoon ji Soo . I'm 18 years old . We are at the same age so lets talk comfortably

There are only 3 of you here , where are the others ? You ask , because your manager already told you that there are 10 girls in the dorm .

Ouhh they have a work to do , so they wasn't home yet . Nara reply .

Hyun, let me bought you to your room ,  we are sharing our room. You are my roomate now . There are 5 room in this house . There are bathroom in every room . Jisoo said .

When Jeongwoo arrived the dorm.

Jeongwoo ya ~~ 
Owh,  what's wrong with that sad face?
Jaehyuk ask him curiosly.

But Jeongwoo just get into his room without answering Jaehyuk question.

What's wrong with him?  He never act like that to me! 
Jaehyuk ask again while looking at Jihoon. 

What else would be the reason he act like that . Of couse it was about Hyun.  She moved to another company today.  He didn't want to lose her that's why because he love her!! 
Jihoon deliberately say the word out loud.  Like the whole dorm would heard him. 

Aniyoo ~~~~
Jeongwoo scream out loud from his room. 

Just say that you love her.
Jihoon and Jaehyuk opening the door amd revealing Jeongwoo crying on his bed. 

The love Untold ¦ Park Jeongwoo ●_●Where stories live. Discover now