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Hey, should we date ?

What ?

Yeah , sorry for asking the sudden question .
And it is true that i like you since our first meet . I really want to express my feelings to you but it might destroyed our friendship . And i don't want that to happen.

Hyun sudddenly awake from that weird dream .

Ahhh.... Hyun , why are you suddenly dreaming about that. She hit herself after realizing that it was just a dream and realizing the clock .

Ahh.. Its 7:50 , he might get angry at me .


Sorry im late .
I took a quick nap and didn't realize i just took a long nap . Haha lol

Its okay . Sorry that you must be tired . I shouldn't take you out at this time .

No , its okay . I have a long tiring day and i need maditation session too .
So , what's bothering you these days ? You rarely ask me to meet you if you didn't have something that bothering you .

No , there's nothing bothering me . Let just have a walk . You know right . That i love night walk .

Hyun look straight into Jeongwoo eyes that made Jeongwoo face blushed and he try so hard to prevent Hyun to watch his blushing face .

See.... You are avoiding my eye contact . Owhhh..... Don't tell me that you like me . hhhahahahahha and Hyun keep laughing on her way .

Yes , i do . I really like you that i couldn't keep it by myself anymore . I like you since our first meet . I really couldn't handle it anymore . I know that it might destroyed our friendship.  And i know that you love this friendship. Im so sorry.
Jeongwoo shout it out so that Hyun can hear his word clearly.

Thankfully that there's no one there. That it might make them embarrass because of that confession .

Hey. Did you hear me !
Please hear me out.  I can only say this once. I don't think i could repeat it. 
So,  please answer me.

Jeongwoo shout again. Because Hyun just stay where she is. Which is a little far from Jeongwoo .

Heyy !! Are you kidding me?
Hyun suddenly shout so that Jeongwoo can also hear her.

Do you think i would play with someone feelings?

And Hyun suddenly run to Jeongwoo and give him the warmest hug.

Thank you.
Hyun said between the hug.

Jeongwoo freeze for a moment because of that sudden hug.
But after a few second he hug her back and he feel butterfly in his tummy.
His face form a smile that was rarely seen.

Is that means you like me too?

I guess.
Hyun said while avoiding eye contacts with Jeongwoo.

And that blushing face appear again on Jeongwoo face.

Since when?

I don't know.

Jeongwoo suddenly took Hyun hand and put it in his pocket.

Hyun hummed confused.

Its cool because it is getting late so i want to keep your hand warm.
Jeongwoo answered.

Aigoo... I didn't know that my woo was a sweet person.

My Woo??
You already give me a nickname.
Then , i should give you a nickname too... 
Shorty hyunnie ? I don't think i would change it.  The name suit you so much. Because you are short.


It was true though .
And you are cute too...

Arghhh... Im not letting you see my blushing face.

No,  no i want to see it...

Argghh don't.  Stop it.

They keep teasing each other and they didn't realize that they finally arrived at Hyun dorm.

I need to get in now. My manager might get angry at me. Byee...

Hyun saying while letting go of her hand with him.
And waving her hand while opening the gate door.


Hyun stop and look back to confront Jeongwoo. 

And Jeongwoo open his wide arm and Hyun hugged him tightly again. Jeongwoo hugged her back and pat her head softly.
And lastly before Hyun could pushed away from his embrace, he give her a peck on her head.

I love you <3 .

Okay then,  i should go now . Byee. Text me when you arrived at your dorm.
Hyun said while running into the house to hide her blushing face.

Okay. Goodnight.

Jeongwoo suddenly receive a call from Jihoon.

Owhh... Shoot i need to go to the dorm now. Or else.

And he run as fast as he can so he would arrived at the dorm on time.


Im home.

Sorry,  hyung. I just want a walk since i feel tired these days.

Okay, please don't come home this late.  You make me worried. We will debut soon and we are almost there. You shouldn't make any mistake to debut. 
Jihoon advise Jeongwoo with his tired and sleepy voice.

Thank you , hyung. You should sleep now . Goodnight.
Jeongwoo thanks Jihoon and giving him a hug.

Goodnight. Don't make other's awake.  They are tired too.


Jeongwoo walk to his share room with Jaehyuk.

Hyung hyung hyung. Jeongwoo waking jaehyuk up.

What? Don't wake me up. I just fell asleep Jeongwoo-ah.
Hyung i have something to told you .

What is it ?

I already confess my feelings to Hyun.


She accepted me. And we are in relationship now.

Ouhh , good job Jeongwoo-ah.
Eh,  wait what?
You are in relationship with Hyun.
But we have a 5 years dating ban.

Owh,  i forgot about that.
Jeongwoo shout.

Sleep now. 
Jihoon shout

Okay,  hyung...

The love Untold ¦ Park Jeongwoo ●_●Where stories live. Discover now