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A month already past and Hyun get along with everyone really well.

All of them went to the company and practiced together as usual .

Do you guys think we will make it ? Jina suddenly asked while all of them are sitting on the practice room floor to take a rest  after an hour of practicing .

I always curious the same things . I hope all of us make it . It have been a long time since i meet my family . I miss them.
Mia said while pouting cutely.

Me too .
Hyun continued .

Hope we can debut as a group , all of us . Jisoo said .

Then their manager call all of them.

Girls , Kang PD-nim want to meet you guys . Let's go !
And all of them get up and followed their manager.

When they guys step inside the meeting room .

Annyeonghaseyo , Kang PD-nim .

Ouhh you guys are here already .
Hello , great to meet all of you .
Kang PD-nim said .

So , i want to discused about your debut .

Debut ?? All of them ask in shocked and still can't believe what the PD-nim just said .

You guys didn't know yet ?

Haha i thought i already  told your manager  .
He laughed .

Really , we are going to debut as a group ? Hyun asked .

Yes . Do i look like i'm joking .
So , i decide to debut you guys in November and i name your group as Starpiece.
Your theme is Love , Mystery and Fantasy .

We already discused about your debut song .

An hour has passed and smile that form on the girls face never disappear .

Once you guys already finished the meeting you guys thanks the PD-nim again.

So you guys need to work hard from now on .
He said.

Okay , Thank you again Kang PD-nim .

You guys step out from the meeting room and still in shock .

After you guys step inside the practice room again you guys screaming loudly because you guys are so excited .

Woww!!!  Starpiece!!!  We are Starpiece members!!  13 of the girls scream loudly!

So now we should work more harder and didn't make any problem . So we can debut as a group.

When you get home , you quickly call your family and told them the great news .
Mom , dad I will debut in November . Hyun said excitedly. 
Really , my daughter are going to debut this year !
We are very proud of you . Don't push yourself okay . Get some rest after a long tiring day .
Hyun mom advise .

Thank you mom , i will go now , i love you guys . I will work harder for my debut and will make you guys proud of me.

Fighting!  Please remember that we will always rooting for you . Don't forget to call us everyday , okay !

Okay mom ! . I love you! 

After you done calling your family. You are thinking to calling Jeongwoo

Hello , Jeongwoo! 

Yeah . He reply

I have a great news to told you .

What is it ?

I will debut in November !

Really ! That was a great news .Congratulation Hyun-ah.

I also have a great news to told you . I will debut in August and the group name is Treasure  .

Woahhh reallyy ! Congratulation . It was a great name , Treasure ! .

How many member in the group? 
All of us will debut together as 12 members.
Jihoon hyung,  Hyunsuk hyung,  Junkyu hyung,  Haruto,  Junghwan,  Doyoung hyung,  Yoshi hyung,  Mashiho hyung, Yedam hyung,  Asahi hyung and who is one more,  owh its Jaehyuk hyung.  Lol . I suddenly forgot Jaehyuk hyung. 

Wahhh.....  How lucky,   i ship hajeongwoo ahahahahhaa .

Congratulate them for me,  okay! 

I suddenly miss hangout with you guys.

You don't miss hangout with me? 
How could u ?

Heyyy!  I didn't mean that i miss hangout with u too.  I mean it's have been along time since i hangout with them. 

Hmmm..... Okay , bye i'm going to ignore you for the whole week.

Okay then , i will ignore you for the whole month. 

Hey heyyyy noooo........ Please don't ignore me.  Im just joking .

I knew it.  Lol. I need to go now.  Congratulations on your debut . I am very proud of you . Congratulate them for me too.  Fighting.  I love you. Okay byee!
And Hyun cut off the phone call. 

Wait  ! I love you ? Hyunn........... I love you too.........  Heyyyy...... Arghhh she just cut off the phone .

And Jeongwoo start to scream happily in his room.  That made the whole dorm shock  .

Jeongwooo........... Please shut up!! 
I need to sleep for tomorrow. I still have a lot of work.

Mashiho suddenly scream cutely from his room.

Jeongwoo you better sleep now . Before i come to you know.  And you know what will happen ~~
Jihoon scream loudly from the living room.

Hyung!  hyung! hyung!
Hyun just said ' I love you ' to me! 
But she hung up the phone. 
But still she said I love You! 
And Jeongwoo continue to scream loudly again .

And all of the member just let him be and get in their own room.

Owh!  And she told me to congratulate you guys for her!


The love Untold ¦ Park Jeongwoo ●_●Where stories live. Discover now