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5 a.m

Hyun phone keep ringging and that's annoyed her so much.

Hello?  Who are you ? Hello?  I don't know who you are but why are you calling me this early.  Do you know it's 5 a.m and it's still my sleeping time.Hyun asked  annoyed.

Heyy!!  It's me Jeongwoo. Wake up!  Let's take a morning walk together . I am waiting infront of your dorm. Hurry up!  It's cool outside. 
Jeongwoo answer

Hey ! Since when did you wake up this early . It's too early.  I need to save my energy  for the whole day. 

I don't care.  This is the only time that we can meet. You know that we can't meet often. Right? 
Jeongwoo asked sound sadly. 

Hyun : hung up the call

Should i go with him ?
But im too lazy to wake up. This is the most best time to sleep.  But then,  i can't meet him anymore.  He will feel upset if i didn't come outside by now. 
And Hyun woke up and go to bathroom to get ready. 

After a few minutes
Hyun step out from the house gate.

Heyy !! I thought you wouldn't come with me? 
Jeongwoo asked shockly

Then,  should i just come back in and continue my sleep.  Then,  byeee.....

Eh eh......  No no,  i just can't believe that you would woke up this early for me. 
Jeongwoo still questioning in shocked.

I miss my shorty Hyunnie .......
Jeongwoo suddenly approach Hyun and hug her tightly. 

Sorry that you need to woke up this early because of me.  This is the only time that i can meet you without any problem.
Jeongwoo mumble while  Hyun was still in his embrace .

Hyun just can't hide her face that will turn into tomato soon. So she just burried her face on Jeongwoo chase. 
( omg i can't hide my tomato face while writing this part . This was so sweet)

Owhhh...... Since when did my Jeongwoo become this sweet? 
Hyun asking while showing her eyes smile.

My Jeongwoo???  .............. Did my shorty Hyun just call MY JEONGWOO!!  . ( Can u guys imagine how loud he is?  Lol) 

Heyy!!  Lower your voice.  The other might wake up . Let's go. 
Hyun trying to change the subject.
And Hyun just walk faster and let Jeongwoo run for her.

Where should we go ......... ??
Hyun ask

Where do you want to go? 
Jeongwoo asked again

But you are the one who asked me out
Hyun reply

But i didn't plan anything.  This idea just pop in my mind this morning to hang out with you. 

Let just get some food.
Hyun complain while rubbing her tummy.

Omo,  my shorty hyun is hungry. 
Where should we eat , uri shorty hyun......
Jeongwoo teased Hyun

Hey...  Since when did you call me shorty hyun ? Stop it!  I don't like it.  People might think we are dating.
Hyun scold Jeongwoo cutely.

Since i fell in love with you.
Jeongwoo mumbled quitely like only himself can hear it .

Hyun asked

No,  there nothing . Aigooo ~~~ so cute.  Why don't i feel scared when you are angry . Because you are so cute even when you are angry.

Not like how you scared when Jihoon mad at you. 
Hyun laughed

You know that he changed to another person when he was angry.

10 a.m

We should go now.  The staff or the fans might saw us.  My manager told me that i should aware about everything. Even thought we are just trainee.  It might effect our debut.
Hyun said worriedly.

Already?  I thought i can spend my day with you. But we just arrived at the Arcade . Let just play a few game and go back home.  There wasn't even a lot of people here.  Please! 
Jeongwoo asked deseperately .

Okay but only a few games , okay.  Then we go back home.

Okay i promise.

A few minutes pass and they played a lot of games just like basketball , motorcycle game , car ride games and lastly they enjoyed karaoke together in karaoke machine.  There a lot of laughter amd they enjoyed every moment.

While they are having fun karaoke together.  Jeongwoo suddenly turn off the machine and answered a phone call. 

A few minutes after a serious minute because of the phone call.

I will send you back to your dorm now.  Lets go! 
Jeongwoo suddenly sound serious towards Hyun. And he suddenly get all of his things and get out of the karaoke room.

Why?  Why are you suddenly serious? 
Did something happen? 
Hyun asked while Jeongwoo just walk faster as he can to call for the taxi and left Hyun in confused.

Jihoon hyung told me to come back home because our manager search for me right now.  I shouldn't get out without our manager since our debut is near.

Then you should go now.  I can go back home by myself.  It's okay,  i can go by my own .
Hyun told him

Sorry,  i should have told you sooner. But i really want to hang out with you today that's why i get out from the dorm without anyone knowing about it.
Jeongwoo feel frustrated and sorry at the same time.

It's okay.  Go , you should go now. I have fun a lot with you today. Thank you.

Arghh....  This make me feel more frustrated now.  I should go now.  Call or text me when you arrived your dorm , okay.  So that i wouldn't feel worried about you. Byee......  And Jeongwoo run away hurriedly. Suddenly,  Hyun-ahh......... I love you.  And run away again.

Hyun just watched him run and startled after hearing his sudden confession to her. Her face suddenly turn into tomato again. 

Agrhhh..... I feel bad for him. He might get scold by their manager.

💎 iksan pride 💎

Heyy!Just want to say
that i already arrived
11:40 a.m

Hey, are you alright?
12:25 p.m

There must be something
wrong if you reply my
text this late
12:26 p.m

Did your manager scold you?
12:27 p.m

Hyun, my manager told me to stop texting you. Sorry. But i will soon. I will delete this text soon . Once you have read this. Sorry. Thank you. I will text you when my penalty have ended soon.  Or i will use other member phone to text you . Okay bye. Please wait for me , okay. Love you.

The love Untold ¦ Park Jeongwoo ●_●Where stories live. Discover now