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Mc 1 : owh. We didn't realize that time we spent with you guys just flies so fast. So we just finished all of the game and the winner this episode is Treasure . Congratulation . Please take the gift from us which is  the famous restaurant discount coupon .

Thank you!
All of treasure member bow politely to the both of the Mc with huge smile on their face.

And starpieces clap for their win and congratulate them.


After the show just finished shooting and the director yelling cut. All of them bowing politely to the mc and the staff while shouting Thank you together. All of them walked to their own makeup room to changes their cloth.


♡ My woo ♡

You are blushing too much
That it helps me to win by just saying your name.

Stop it !

Why ?
Its true though!
That your heart rate are increasing just by making an eye contact .

Okay okay i admit it !
Fine !

Since you have admit .
Let's have a date after this? Are you free?
I mean IF you free.

Okay let's have a date! 

Really ?
I will talk to hyung and ask for their permission.



[ cringey part warning ]

They got their manager permission and Jeongwoo was being told to be aware so that no one would recognize them. Jeongwoo get of the car a little far from the place that they suppose to meet so that would not make things suspicious .

They promise to meet at the park that they use to go together since trainee.

Jeongwoo shout from afar so that Hyun would hear him.

And he run to her while opening her huge arm.
And they hug each other for a few second .

Yah!  What if someone know us. You just shout my name.

No. I don't care. Because you are mine.

Hyun don't know what to answer and just giggled while blushing hard while snuggle on Jeongwoo chest.

Where should we go ?
Jeongwoo said it while cupped Hyun tiny face with both of his hand.

Why are you trying to covering this cute face.
Jeongwoo asked

What about we went to eat ice cream while talking about our day ? It's have been a long time since i eat ice cream.

Okay,  gaja!
Jeongwoo said while holding Hyun hand and walk away.

You really did well today!

Hyun hummed.

The love Untold ¦ Park Jeongwoo ●_●Where stories live. Discover now