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Hyun, are you okay? You suddenly have panic attack last night . now you don't need to worry anymore. The company will take care of it , okay.

Hyun reply as a yes.
While her eyes are still close.

Just take a rest, okay .
I will call your doctor and inform the members that you are awake.
Hyun manager told her in rush.

After a few minutes.
The doctor comes and told her the reason why she suddenly collapse and advise her to take a lot of rest and told her to went to a psychiatrist clinic because you might have panic attack or anxiety.

After the doctor just leave she thanks the doctor and searching for her phone.


♡ my woo ♡



Why don't you pick up my call.

Im worried.

Please pick up my call.

Are you okay ?

Hyun, if you can't answer my call atleast reply to this text.

1:25 a.m



Im okay,
don't worried about me.

im in hospital right now.

The doctor said that it was just a panic attack or anxiety. But i feel okay now.
Since my manager is here to take care of me.

Are you sure you,okay?

Gosh , you make me worried all night.

Which hospital are you being sent to ?

I will go to you now.

No, you shouldn't!

You don't have too.

I said that im okay.

There might be a few people keeping an eyes on us.

So we need to be careful now.

But still i want to meet you.

Park Jeongwoo!
Im okay!
So don't worried about me, okay.
I will check out from this hospital soon. Don't worried.

Okay, but please call or text me if something happen, okay?

I promise.

Please always remember that i love you ♥

I know that . I love you too


Hyun keep her smile but deep inside it was full with negative thought.

What if her and his fans hate this relationship?

What if you need to end this long relationship?

What if there are a lot of hates she got because of this relationship?

Her manager already told her that she shouldn't read the comments from the articles.
But still she was a stubborn girl. She read the comments because she can't handle her curiosity.


They wasn't a perfect match.

My ship is sailing.

Jeongwoo should choose someone better

They are such a cute couple

She should k*ll herself. She shouldn't mess with our boys.

They looks so cute.
Guys,please don't hate them. They have feelings and personal life too. So stop!


Hyun keep reading the comments and she didn't even realize that her tears are flowing on her cheeks.

Hyun! Thankfully your doctor just told me that you can check out this evening.
Her manager burst into her room and Hyun quickly wipe shed tears from her face .

Ouh, really that's great .
Hyun reply in cold sounds.

Hyun , what's wrong ?
Are you okay?
I told you not to read the comment , right?
Her manager asked after realizing that she was holding her phone.

Sorry , i'm just curios about what others though about my relationship.

You should stop doing that. Or the comment will hurt you.  Your mental or physical .
So you need to stop this, okay!
Her manager advise her.

Arasso, i know that. Thank you , manager-nim.
Hyun said while showing her gummy smile.

Aigooo ~~~
Her manager said while ruffling her hair.

The love Untold ¦ Park Jeongwoo ●_●Where stories live. Discover now