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After Hyun have done unpack her things in her new room ,she lay on her bed .

Should i told him that i'm okay ?
Should i text or call him ? But we just talk earlier !
Should i ask him if he already at home?
What if he  annoyed when i call him ?   Ughhhh you sighed loudly .

We're hommeeeeee !!
A loud sound that you can hear from upstairs that it's mean the other trainees are home already .

She went downstairs so she can introduced herself to the others .
She walk down the stairs and Jina said . Guyss ! This is Kim Bae Hyun unnie . She batch 04.

Ouhh Hi . The girls greet you excitedly
Ouhh so we got 04 line here . One of them said.
Hi , Hyun unnie . My name is Xia . I'm 16 year old and i'm from China.
My name is Mia and i'm from Canada . I'm 17 years old .
And then the other also introduce themselves and get along with you .

Jeongwoo pov after he stop crying. Lol
Why am i have a bad feeling about her?
Should i call her ?
Why am i missing her , i just talk with her just know !
What if she didn't get along with the others ? She said there are 10 girls in the house ? What if she get bullied ? He mumble worriedly

Hyun pov
Her phone suddenly ring and she quickly pick it up while  talking with the others .

Hey , just wanna ask are you okay there ?
Did you get along with the others ? Did you get bullied ?
Did everyone treat you well ? Jeongwoo ask worriedly without even listening to her answer.

Hey hey , chill
haha why are you so worried about me  did you miss me already .
Hyun laughed

Arghhh , really don't play around , just answer my question . Jeongwoo reply angrily.

Everything alright here , by the way Jeongwoo,  i have new bestfriend here.  She's 04 liner too. 
So i think it might be great that she was the same age as me.

Ouhhh great to hear that . Okay bye , just want to ask that . And he cut off the phone call .

Hey  hey ! Aishh he cut off  the phone call already .
Hyun unnie , who are you talking to ? Your boyfriend ? They asked jokingly .

No , i don't have boyfriend
he is just my friend haha , ofc he wasn't my boyfriend .

Really ? He sound like he was your boyfriend ouhhhh unnieeee....
You better told us the truth before we found it out by ourselves .  Jisoo said .

Really ! I didn't have a boyfriend .
Hyun seriuosly denied the accused that the other trainees make. 

Okay , we trust you .
But if he really your boyfriend , just wait !
Mia said and you guys just laughed .

Hyun unnie,  you know right that our company didn't banned dating.
Xia said while smiling suspiciously.

Ahh...  Really he wasn't my boyfriend ahh. 
Hyun sound desperate to denied the accused..

And the others continued to tease hyun and have fun together. 

The love Untold ¦ Park Jeongwoo ●_●Where stories live. Discover now