This is the clan my cats are in
Fern clan:
Leader: maplestar- brown pelt- amber eyes-tom
Deputy- tigerfang-ginger pelt-brown eyes-tomMedicene cat:
Frostbite, white tom, blue eyesWarriors:
Lionsplash: orange pelt with orange eyes she-catStormtuff: gray tom with brown eyes. Aprrentice: maplepaw
Blackfur: black she-cat with dark blue eyes. Aprentice: swiftpaw
Firetail: reddish tom with blue eyes
Apprentice: brownpawFlametail: red tom with one bright green eye and one bright blue eye
Brownpaw:brown tom with green eyes.Swiftpaw:grey tom with blue eyes.
Maplepaw: light brown she-cat with hazel eyes.
Rubygem: red she-cat with brown eyes. Kits: rainkit, snowkit, rubykit and dreamkit.Snowfall: white she-cat with green eyes. Not kitted yet.
Tinyear: brown she-cat with hazel eyes. Kits: honeykit and icekit
Tigerheart: brown tom with whitepaws and brown eyes.Acornbreeze: spotted she-cat with amber eyes.
Iceriver: blueish tom with gray eyes.
I know there arent that many cats get over it.
four little kits
Randommeet rubykit, rainkit, snowkit and dreamkit. these four kits have amazing powers that they have yet to discover. jorney with them to know there story.