1. kidnapped

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I woke up with a terrible headache, what the hell happened? Just then it hit me like a train, I've been kidnapped...


I looked around the unfamiliar large room, the walls was painted in white, I was lying in a bed, I tried to sit, I was so fast it hurted.

The bed was at the corner of the room, it looked like a hospital bed judging by the bed fence and it being tilted up abit, I was surrounded by white pillows with a thin sheet covering me.

There was a white desk with two drawers beside me with a tissue box and a water bottle above, there was a sofa-like chair covered in white sheets infront of it, beside it was a book shelf.

In the corner of the room was a wall, I removed the curtain to find a toilet, a sink, a small mirror, a small cabinet, a horizontal pole hung on the wall going all the way back to the bed and a tiny box with a red plus beside the toilet.

The walls and floor were soft and squishy, they were made like a mattress.

There were two glass doors separating the two rooms, on the other side was a large tv screen hung on the wall opposite to the bed, a shelf, a desk, some cabinets with a sink, papers and a mug, lastly an iron door with a tiny glass window.

I tried to open the door or even break it open but it didn't budge.

Just then I realized, these weren't my clothes, it was a hospital gown, and I wasn't wearing anything under exept a light pink panties, my body also smelled like soap and my hair was a bit shorter and trimmed, well my kidnapper got lots of free time.

Suddenly the iron door opened revealing a lady holding a wheel chair, she looked at me and smiled "I didn't think you would be awake" she said.

"Why am I here? And what do you want!?" I asked my voice filled with anger, and curiosity "you see, they say you're the youngest subject they ever brought here and we're not really that good at dealing with kids, but we'll take a really good care of you" she said.

"I don't understand" I said "well, other before you called it an experiment-" she replied "but that'll illegal!" I shouted.

"Well, no one will know, and don't worry you'll be all right... if you behave well and do as ordered" she replied as she pressed a button and both glass doors slid open I imidiatly backed away.

"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you, can you sit here for me?" She asked refering to the chair.

"Where are we going?" I asked back "to the operating room, but don't worry it's gonna be over before you even notice and you'll be back here" she replied in a calm tone as if I knew this would happen.

"Can you let me go? I promise I won't tell anyone, I won't tell anyone, not even the police, just let me go" I asked as my eyes began tearing, I didn't know what this woman wants and I wasn't the best when it comes to doctors or hospitals anyway.

"I'm sorry darling we can't do that, I'm just following orders and you have to go with me weather you like it or not, so if you don't sit here and cooperate I can do it by force" she replied.

I could feel my face getting heated from anger, who the hell is she and where even am I, I have no idea and this woman wants me to just do as she says, I don't want to be here.

I ran quickly pushed as I ran passing the door, she was blocking my escape, I ran out of the room, she just sighed.

It was a long hallway, to my left was a room and to the right were stairs, I ran to the stairs, I was already thin and weak but I managed to do it fast thanks to the adrenaline.

Once I reached the top I hit something, I looked above and a gaint muscular lady was standing there, she warped her arms around me as my feet were high above the ground.

"Stop! Don't do this! I don't want this! Let me go!!" I kept screaming desperately but her grip was tight, no matter how much I kicked or screamed it was no use.

"There we go, calm down kid, you shouldn't get that angry or you might get hurt" she said as she went down again, we passed the first room I was in before and went to the other one, at this point I was a crying and screaming mess.

The lady walked before us and opened the door revealing an operating chair, it had lots of straps on it and operating lights spoted on it, but what scared me most was what's beside it, a table with the sharpest metalic objects I have seen in my life, and I could swear I saw a saw and a drill, what the fuck are they gonna do to me!?

"Why didn't you just strap her to her bed like the others?" Just then I noticed a guy in his 30s in the room "I didn't want her to be scared" the thin woman said "well she already is, so let's get this over with" the guy replied.

They pinned me to the chair, I tried to bite or scratch her but she barely noticed, before I even realized, I couldn't move at all.

There were straps almost everywhere, my wrists, my ankles, my waist, my knees, my shoulder, and even my chest and a weird one on my head but they didn't strap it .

The fat woman opened a drawer as the thin one wore gloves on "think you should look the other way" she said as the fat one gave her something.

The fat one then headed toward me and forcefully moved my head to the left "alright, just breath" she said I was already sobbing, and it was hard to do so.

I felt something cold being rubbed against my right hand and something being warped aroundmy arm, moments later the woman's hand held my head more tightly as I felt a sharp pinch in my arm, all I could do is let out a tiny scream as my body felt heavy, so did my eyelids which closed on their own and everything went black.

Experiment 009Where stories live. Discover now