13. trust them (7)

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"Here, nobody knows about this place so let's keep this a secret" Marry said sitting on a bench.

You might wonder what am I doing infront of the beach with Marry?

Well, you can thank Aiden for that.

He was the only one who actually got a good rest, I couldn't sleep all night, I had to be cautious knowing Aiden will absolutely fall asleep and I couldn't trust Liam at the moment so I stayed awake.

Around sunrise I heard Will talking, after a while I felt something touching my back that's when Marry woke up and knew I didn't close my eyes the entire night, but sleeping on an actual bed made me feel refreshed.

They offered us food but we politely refused since we got ours, Liam was still grumpy but he didn't complain even when Marry was changing his bandages and thanked her when she was done.

Later Marry said she needs to go buy some stuff and asked me to hang out with her and she'll buy me something nice.

I refused but she insisted, which made me more anxious but they all assured me it'll be fine, exept Liam ofcourse.

Right when we were about to head out Aiden and his big mouth had to say "keep an eye on her she's good at stealing".

And that's when Will and Marry gave me worried looks then asked what he meant he explained that I steal stuff I don't need which I punched him for but it was too late to shut him up.

We went anyway but Marry told me if there's anything I wanted or had an eye on, I should tell her.

When we went to the grocery store, she kept looking at me, then decided to ask me at what age I started stealing.

I kept changing subject since I didn't want to be rude and if she left me here I don't even know my way back so better not piss her off.

When I ran out of subjects, I gave her an answer "5".

Then came the next question, what did I steal, at this point I was fighting with the urge to tell her its none of her business but again we're staying at her house, and not even sure where.

"Medicine" I tried to make my answer short but she kept asking if I was sick and why I did it.

Then I found it, I told her that we're in a grocery store, and I didn't want people to listen, even though the store was almost empty exept for the old lady on the cashier and her son who was organising stuff.

Marry understood and finally closed her mouth, or that's what I thought, once we were in the car again I noticed Marry taking another route.

When I asked her about it she said we aren't going home yet then stopped infront of a beach.

And here we are, I can't really run right now...

"The first time I came here when I was your age, it had been a week since I came to the orphanage, I was still confused, my mind didn't want to accept reality, Will showed me this place, said I just needed a real place to cool off my mind and someone to cry my heart out to" she said.

"Wait, you were raised there?" I asked trying to make her forget her old question.

"Yeah me and Will grew up there, Will was adopted by Mr. Eric and his wife when he was 14, but he was brought there since he was a few months old" she answered.

"Must've been tough" I said.

"Not really, we were lucky, especially me, I thought my life was over, when I lost hope in everything including myself, others didn't loose hope in me and helped back to my feet, even when I refused their help" she replied.

"I think I got a picture" she said picking her phone out, after a good while of scrolling she showed me a picture.

It was a group picture and she pointed to the only girl in a wheelchair, I kept looking at Marry and the picture, there was no way they're the same person, and when she said they helped her back on her feet I didn't think litrally.

"That's actually me" she said with a bright smile then she placed the phone back to her pocket.

"W- what about Will, how did he end up there?" I asked quickly "he was left on the orphanage door in a basket" she replied.

"S- so what happened to the orphanage?" I asked still trying to make her forget but she just raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I can tell you later but I need the sneaky little girl infront of me to stop changing the subject" she said.

"What I'm not, what was the question anyway?" I said looking at the sea.

"Listen Charlie, I wanna help, I need you to trust me, whatever Liam will go through won't be easy, and I promise we mean you no harm" she said giving me an assuring look.

"Promise?" I asked again making sure, Aiden told me that you can never break a promise, or you'll just have bad luck for the rest of your life.

"I promise you Charlie" she said holding my hand in hers, can I really trust this woman?

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