7. memories (1)

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Where am I?

I was in a weird building, it looked old and dirty, was all that a dream?

I stood up and looked around, there they were Liam and Aiden, they were still alive, Aiden was using Liam's stomach as a pillow like always, the other street kids around us were asleep.

I needed to make sure, so I shook them lightly, Liam jerked awake dropping Aiden's head as he sat up, Aiden opened his eyes saw both of us then continued sleeping.

"W- what's wrong?" Liam asked worryingly "you both aren't dead?" I said still in shock.

"I am" Aiden said rolling to the other side, giving his back to us "seriously Charlie? You woke us up because of this? Everyone gets nightmares..." Liam said laying back on the floor next to Aiden "Man, girls are weird, just don't mind her and get some sleep, we got work tomorrow" Aiden said without opening his eyes.

I just started crying, as both of them quickly looked at me "hey was it that bad?" Liam asked as Aiden sat up.

"I don't remember, but it was really sad" I answered wiping my tears away "well then, I can lend you my personal pillow but just this once since you can't sleep, I can grantee you'll have wonderful dreams, I was having one just moments ago-" "hold up is that my stomach you're talking about?" Liam said interrupting Aiden.

"Do you see any pillows around? Ofcours I'm-" suddenly he was interrupted again by a loud hush coming from far, Liam pushed my head on his chest as Aiden quickly lied on the floor.

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO FUCKING BEAT YOU TO SHUT YOUR SHITTY TRAPS UP!?" A drunk guy shouted, suddenly I heard a glass shatter on the floor as I prayed he won't throw any glass at us.

After a while, the shouting stopped, I closed my eyes, Liam's stomachache was indeed comfortable, probably because he isn't skinny as me and Aiden.

And that's how he manages to carry heavy bricks, he is indeed strong but very kind hearted.

Aiden on the other hand is the weakest among us but the best when it comes to tricks and mental stuff, he is quite smart, knows how to not get caught, and how to win mental games and is a fast learner.

But both can't read nor write anything beside their names and a few words which I taught them how to write.

For me I do all writing and reading, and I'm also fast, flexible and got sharp senses, so I used to go stealing, until Aiden and Liam gave me a long lecture about why stealing is so wrong.

For me, I knew I was 12 at that time Aiden still thinks he's 5 even though he looks as old as me and Liam don't know how old he is, but I assumed he's a bit older than us.

We all met after I ran away, I kept running for days nonestop until I passed out.

When I woke up I met them it was raining so they took me to an aboundoned factory that they called their Castle.

Later we learned alot about each other, they usually pretend to be kings holding wooden sticks and sparing with each other, I would also join them or would make them some capes and masks from the scrap yard to make it look real, we loved playing more than work.

The best thing was when people try to invade our castle, so we would scare them away by our traps, they would go screaming thinking the place is haunted.

As for how they got on the streets, Aiden's mother disowned him and left him on the street when he was 5 after his father died to get married to another man and start a new life.

Liam was borned on the street and was there for as long as he remembers, sometimes kids would assume that dogs are his real parents but he happens to be a human, he isn't bothered by it and just laughs along.

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