9. on our way (3)

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We went to different places most crowded and full of people, the worse was the train, where everyone just pointed at us, some whispering, some talking, some laughing.

I even heard a woman talking to a child saying "if you don't eat your food you'll end up like those kids over there".

In the end after lots of walking we manged to get to the town where Aiden used to live.

We even went past his house to find a pink swing and some stuffed animals, so I decided to read the name label loudly.

"Yeah, that's her new husband" he said looking on the ground "then why don't you say hi" I asked "no need, she probably won't remember me, I guess I have a sibiling now" he replied looking at all they toys in the backyard.

"Come on how can a mother not remember her child? You won't lose anything for trying, we'll be waiting here if anything goes wrong" I said pointing to Liam who was standing under the tree shade.

I went back with Liam as we watched Aiden knock on the door, moments later a guy opened a door and looked at Aiden from up to down a couple of times before saying "how can I help you?".

Aiden asked if his mother was there to only be met by a glare "yes that's my wife, what business do you have to do with her?" The guy asked raising his voice ready to cause a scene, me and Liam just watched knowing Aiden is the best when it comes to these kind of situations.

"She... just dropped something and I wanted to return it, I just need to make sure she's the same lady" he answered with an innocent smile.

The guy called for his wife, as a lady came out and stood beside him, she had the same hair colour as Aiden, Aiden just stared at her with wide eyes.

"What's wrong little guy?" She asked with a confused face "y- you dropped this" he replied handing her a paper, it was the picture of his father.

She opened it and stared for a moment then returned it back.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I ever dropped this, I don't even know who that guy is, you're probably mistaken" she replied with a smile.

"Don't you remember me mom? Don't you remember dad? Or seven years ago when you left me on the street to start a new life, don't you remember how much I cried?" Aiden asked.

"I'm sorry what? I don't think-" She asked with the smile fading a bit "he's a scammer, go find someone else to play tricks on, kid, I'll let you go while I'm still nice" he said closing the door but Aiden pushed the door to keep it open.

"Wait please! Mom! Listen-" the guy didn't wait for Aiden to finish his sentence before pushing him away from the door, stuff was getting out of control so we ran to them.

"He's telling the truth you buffalo, how would he know her full name otherwise" I shouted as Liam and I ran to them, but instead the guy punched me on the face causing me to fall down and my lip to bleed as he shouted "you have no idea who you're messing with, kids".

"Darling I think you're right they are scammers, the rest of his partners are here, those incidents happened with a few of my friends as well" Aiden's mother said with a sad face.

"Dad, who are these people? And why are you shouting?" A boy who looked so much like Aiden but a bit taller than him and a bit shorter than Liam asked, with a little girl about 6 year old hiding behind him.

"Go back you two, dad's just gonna deal with those brats over here" he said with a sweet voice then turned again to us with his angry glare.

"You three are lucky, now scram before I call the police" he said I was about to talk back but Liam stopped me.

"Sorry about that, I'm sure there's a misunderstanding here, we'll be on our way" he said pulling my and Aiden's arm dragging us away till the house was out of sight.

"Why did you do that!? We could have confronted that woman for what she did!" I shouted snatching my hand back.

"We didn't come all this way to do this, we can do it later once we atleast have a place to stay" he replied.

"Liam's right, I don't need her anymore, and I don't care if she doesn't remember me, we came here for the orphanage and that's our goal" he said with a huge smile.

As he started walking faster to the point I had to run to keep up with him and Liam, but in the end we found a tiny ally to sleep since ot was getting late and everyone was getting exhausted so we lied there then Aiden started talking.

"When me and dad used to go there, while dad would go and discuss business and fund raising and I would go play football with the kids there, after dad was done with his work and instead of leaving he would sometimes join us, soon workers there would see him and also join the game, ladies would also cheer us and be the judges for the matches, and we would end up there until sunset".

"It was so fun, I'm sure kids there would remember me we were like a big gaint family, there was that fat lady who looked after toddlers, she looked scary but she was so kind and patient, I don't think I ever saw any one there shout or get angry even though kids are quite trouble makers but they're friendly and so sensitive".

Well, when Aiden starts talking there's no way he's gonna shut up, I looked at Liam who was asleep, great no sleep for me today.

After a few hours Aiden fell asleep while telling me about that time everyone organised a surprise party to a guy turning 18 who got a scholarship and was leaving the orphanage to start his life.

"He finally slept" Liam said looking at Aiden "yeah, I'm glad he's okay after what happened" I said.

"We'll be able to reach the orphanage tomorrow or after, hopefully it'll be like how Aiden described it" he said as he lied down again facing the opposite side.

"Hey Liam" I said "yeah?" He asked turning to me.

"Sorry about shouting at you today, I was angry and it reminded me of a few things" I replied.

"I understand" he said sitting up "Charlie, can I tell you a secret, and please don't be mad?" He asked so I replied with a "sure".

"Your mother and Aiden's father are great people, whenever I hear you both talking about them, I keep thinking if I had parents how would they act? Would they also do this, and soon I started imagining them as my own parents, I know it's selfish but it made me happy, I would imagine them being there with us, and the five of us is a family" he finished.

"It's not selfish and I'm sure if my mom or Aiden's father were alive they would hug you tight and welcome you with open arms, you are already a part of the family Liam" I replied giving him a hug.

"Thanks Charlie you lifted a huge weight off my shoulder" he said hugging me back.

"Now go to sleep, tomorrow's a big day" he said breaking our hug as he slept beside Aiden and I went away abit then lied down and slept.

Tomorrow's a big day.

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