6. allies

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I woke up,there was no one in the room, I just closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep but couldn't.

I ended up thinking about what Atlas said to me yesterday, he didn't look like he was lying, he did trust me more than when I first came here.

And even if he is lying, why would he? I can't even move well, and I won't know what's going on if he didn't tell me but aren't they too naive?

Guess I have to trust these people for now.

Suddenly the iron door opened, Clara and Zoe went in with a moving table "hey Charlie, didn't think you would be awake, how are you doing?" Zoe said.

"I'm fine" I replied "well, Atlas told us about your chat yesterday, I'm glad it went well" she said as Clara took a look at the machines beside me.

"Alright so today, we're gonna try walking!" Clara said with a huge smile as she wrote some stuff down, I just gave her a weak smile but noticed Zoe smile too.

"What?" I asked her "nothing just that it's your first time smiling ever since you were brought here, and honestly you look way better than the time you were glaring daggers at us, more like a child".

I just looked the other way "she smiled!? Dang I really wanted to see that!" Clara said and at this point I was just covering my face.

"Well, so me and Zoe will lift you up slowly if you feel dizzy or nauseous you have to tell us imidiatly" Clara said as Zoe let down the bed fence and remove the pillows on my side.

Zoe held my hand and lifted me up as Clara put a pillow behind me, then slowly turned me so I was on the edge of the bed.

"You okay there Charlie, need to wait a bit?" Zoe asked "I'm good it's just nice to finally move off the bed" I replied.

"That's good, now I want you lean on this if you need to, try leaning on me or Zoe first so there won't be much weight on your legs" Clara said as each held a side.

They pulled me up so I was standing, I took a step forward as I held Zoe's hand, but the moment I moved my other leg both of my legs gave up.

Luckily, Zoe held me quickly before I hit the ground "slowly there" Clara said "move one leg then make sure to pull your weight on the other, no need to rush take your time and don't be scared we're holding you".

I tried once more, this time Zoe lifted me and Clara pulled my hand lightly, I tried to move my legs but I felt so weak, but I managed to take a few tiny steps until I reached the chair, then Zoe helped me to slowly sit down.

"Yay! You did it" Clara said as she raised her hand for me to high five as I high fived her.

Zoe opened a cabinet as she grabbed an apple juice and inserted the straw then handed it to me.

"Let's rest for a bit, you did great today" Clara said turning the tv on it, she sat on the edge of the bed as Zoe sat on the other chair.

Suddenly the door opened and Atlas went in "why didn't anyone wake me up?" He asked.

"You looked tired aside from that you kept saying said 'five more minutes mommy'" Zoe replied, Atlas' face turned red as me and Clara were trying not to laugh but Clara failed at that.

"How old did you tell me you were again? 7?" Clara laughed and just looking at her made me and Zoe laugh "no I'm 37, now let's stop talking about me we got other things to take care of" he said heading out.

"Wait! Atlas did you get mad?" Clara said heading out too.

"These lovebirds are sure something else, when they aren't on serious mode" Zoe said.

"They're in love?" I asked she just placed a finger on her mouth "yep and let's keep that a secret".

Moments later they both came back "so let's get back to what we were doing, how is your head, Charlie?" Atlas said.

"It's good, really good" I replied glancing at him "Alright Charlie, time to go back to bed" Clara said.

She and Zoe helped walk back, which was easier but not that easy, Atlas was getting something out of the drawers then held an odd scissors, I gave him a confused look.

"I'm gonna take a look at your head, see if I can take the stitches out" he said wearing gloves on as Zoe took the bandages off.

"Well, that's weird" I heard him say as Clara and Zoe went to look "her hair's turning white?" Clara said, white?

"I wanna see too" I said as Zoe opened the drawer next to me and got a hand mirror out "here".

Then I saw it, my hair was starting to turn white from the roots "I never seen anything like this before" she said.

"We can look for the cause later, for now I'll take the stitches out but make sure she won't fall or hit her head" Atlas said mainly to Clara and Zoe as he grabbed the weird looking scissor.

I closed my eyes and prayed he won't cut my head with that, after he was done he took his gloves off and headed out.

"Think its time to take your feeding tube out too" Zoe said disconnecting a bag above me.

"W- wait, will it hurt?" I asked "don't worry it won't, but it might be a bit uncomfortable " Clara said patting my head.

Clara didn't lie but it felt more gross actually.

"Alright Charlie, we're done for today" Zoe said leaving me with Clara who was about to turn on the tv.

"Can we do something else?" I asked "like what?" She asked back "dunno what do you guys do when you're bored?".

She opened a drawer and closed it again "I had some games but they're upstairs" she said "you can leave me, it's not like I'll run away in these few seconds".

"It's not that, but in all the reports we wrote down that you've been behaving aggressively toward us, it was Atlas' idea since we don't want them thinking we're allies now, if I head out leaving you alone the camera might record me and they'll suspect something" she said.

"Oh" "then how about we chat?" She asked, I nodded then we stayed in silence.

"So how did that guy bring you guys here? Isn't anyone searching for you?" I asked as Clara looked at me.

"Oh, um, our files... we are actually supposed to be dead" she said looking down.

"I see, that's how... sorry about that" I said now knowing that even if they escaped, they wouldn't be able to blend in society again.

"It's all because of a stupid mistake I made" she said "mistake? Like forgot something dropped something?" I asked as she shook her head.

"No, I made a terrible mistake, I was too naive, I was too desperate to even realise" she said, I tried to understand what she was saying but instead got a headache causing me to wince slightly.

"What's wrong?" Clara asked "just the headache again, it's not even that painful" I replied.

"Well, you need to rest your head, get some sleep" she said as I couldn't argue about that since it was the only way to get rid of the headache.

"Goodnight Clara" "goodnight chole"

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