14. mother (8)

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"It's long story but..." I said trying to figure out a way to say it so she won't have to feel pitiful.

"I don't really remember all of it so I'll tell you the important parts" I said as she nodded.

"So there was this family of three, a father, a mother and a daughter, they were a normal family, or that's what the daughter thought, everyday she'll wake up on her mother screaming and her father's beating, the father was a drunkard who took his wife's money to get more drunk, he would beat anyone who stand in his way, the daughter though this was normal.

The mother was slowly getting sick each day, and every day she'll do her best to run away with her daughter or ask for help but the father's friends would bring her back, until the day he broke both her legs for running away.

The daughter was 4 at that time, just then she began to realize, since her only source of the outside was a tiny window hung high up, she only saw people's feet, she started to realize how fucked up all this was.

Every single day the mother would cry in pain begging anyone to help her, or beg the daughter to run away or the father to spare their daughter's life.

The mother's brown chocolate hair slowly turned grey, so did her warm skin turn to cold and white, her lovely cheeks turned into bones so did her body.

The daughter found a way to sneak out, so the first thing she thought of was to bring her mother medicine so she'll be fine again then they'll both escape together, but she needed money to buy it.

When she asked people some said they wanted something in return, some gave her money but mostly took the money she collected, so the daughter thought of doing the same.

The first time she got caught and beaten to half death, the second time she almost got away but got beaten up as well, she thought she was doing it wrong but never thought it was wrong.

Until she mastered it, she could steal while everyone is staring at her, she was swift, fast and flexible, she could lie and make people believe whatever she is saying, she was finally happy she was able to buy her mother medicine.

Even though it was a short while the daughter was glad her mother wasn't in pain.

When the mother came back to her senses, she tell the daughter to run away but the daughter refused and insisted the mother must come too.

After lots of begging the mother agreed but each time the father came home, the daughter must sneak out and come the next day, so the daughter agreed.

They both would talk, mother would teach daughter lots of things everyday, and daughter would listen and imagine, until the day the medicine was no longer that effective.

The mother's health was only deteriorating, soon mother lost her sight but still the pain kept her connected to the world, she would only scream and scream, the pills weren't working anymore.

Until the day the daughter was 7, father got tired of mother's screaming and beated her to death, daughter was on her way to try a new stronger pill even though she doubt it will work but she was hopeful to see her mother smile again.

The last thing the daughter remembers is finding her now silent mother with her lifeless body on the bed and stood behind daughter, father staring at his daughter then his lifeless wife on the bed with a big smile.

That's the last thing she remembered, now she was 8 and running, she didn't care for how many days or how her bare feet and body hurted, everywhere hurted but she couldn't stop, she was terrified and don't even remember why.

Until she fell down" I finished trying not to tear up, Marry warped her arms around me hugging me tightly.

"I- I don't remember what happened in the middle but when I woke up Aiden and Liam were trying to feed me, more like chock me but they helped me" I said as Marry broke our hug, I looked at her face, she was crying.

"Thanks for trusting me Charlie, I know its hard but I can make it better for the three of you- I'll-" now she was crying even more.

"I'm sorry, I- I made you cry, I'll fix it" I said trying to wipe her tears away.

"No charlie, don't be, its just a hormonal thing, I'm not usually like this but I guess it's one of the side effects of being pregnant" she said wiping her tears away and smiling like she always do.

"You're pregnant?" I asked "yep, it's my second months, and in 7 months if everything goes well, Will and I will meet our twin babies" she said with a brighter smile, patting her stomach.

"By the way Charlie, do you know how are babies are made?" She asked looking at me as she held my hand again.

"Yep Aiden told me about it" I replied as her smily face turned to a confused one.

"He did, what did he tell you?" She asked.

"Well when the bride and groom are getting married, they exchanged cups and once she drinks it will go down her stomach and that's how she gets pregnant" I replied as her smile faded.

"Oh really?" She asked raising both her eyebrows.

"Yeah, that's what Aiden told me when we were cleaning a wedding hall with a bunch of kids, the owner was nice enough to give us the food remains while we were cleaning up, that's when Aiden told me why the bride and groom gets a different drink" I explained.

"No Charlie, that's the signature drink- do you know the difference between a boy or a girl?" She asked.

"I'm a girl, that's what my mother told me, boys are probably just like that" I replied as she almost face palmed.

"No, this is all wrong Charlie, did your mother ever tell you anything about this?" She asked with a weak smile.

"No, but if I ask her she would shout at me and accuse me of breaking our promise and staying after dad is in the house with his friends" I replied.

Marry looked shock as if a train hit her, her smile was replaced with a look of worry and sadness as if she just realised something.

"Does it have to do anything with the difference between boys and girls?" I asked feeling a bit worried.

"No, I- I can explain all that later how about we get some food now?" She suggested quickly changing the subject as she forced a weak smile on.

We both walked for a bit till we reached somewhere with a nice smell, it was a guy making sandwiches Marry talked to the guy as I stared at the sea.

"Something wrong?" She asked walking to me.

"It's beautiful, the waves, what's moving them?" I asked "air, its like blowing in a cup, the more windy the bigger the wave, do you like watching them?" She asked as I nodded.

"Me and Will come here often when we're both free, but it's winter, the water is freezing" she said.

The guy she was talking to a while ago called her and gave ger a plastic bag.

"Here Charlie" she said handing me a sandwich "What's that?" I asked.

"Its a hotdog, I promised you something nice to eat" she said as I hesitatantly took it.

I watched as she took a bite of hers, I was starving so I couldn't hold back.

I quickly ate third of it then stuffed the rest inside my pocket like I always do.

"You don't like it?" Marry asked as I shook my head no as I replied "Liam and Aiden".

"Oh, you don't have to, I brought plenty, just finished yours and tell me if you want another" she replied patting my head.

I thanked her, she told me it was nothing with a big warm smile then started the car as I took the seat next to her.

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