5. answers

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The last week was a complete mess, during the first three days I was in an enormous amount of pain, Atlas, Zoe and Clara gave me lots of pain medication that I was usually asleep or even if I wasn't I was barely able to comprehend or understand what was said to me, I would also get nose bleeds from time to time but Atals said it was normal.

The next two days the pain got better but it still hurted, Clara did the same exercises with me, but I never got out of bed and never eaten, when I asked Zoe about that annoying tube going through my nose, she would say that's how I don't have to eat.

Now I'm watching that series about super humans that they usually turn on, episode 34 I guess, luckily I can move my body the way I wanted but it was still shaking and weak, they also kept the restrains off as long as I didn't cause any trouble.

The door opened, Clara and Zoe poped out "hey Charlie how you doing?" She asked dragging a tray infront of her "I'm good" I replied "I see, you have been in a good mood ever since you woke up" Clara said as Zoe wore gloves on.

"Alright I'm gonna change your IV today, the last time I did this we had to sedate you, I know it makes you feel awful so will you bare the prick of the needle or do I have to knock you out?" Zoe asked.

"The first option seem less painful" I replied "that's good" Zoe said as she started to remove the bandage around my arm, Clara moved my head to look the other side and held me tightly.

"Relax" she said as I felt something being warped arond my arm, then I felt that prick, it wasn't that bad, I could feel Zoe warp a band aid around my hand again.

"All done" Zoe said throwing her gloves away, Clara took her flash light out and shined it in both of my eyes, Zoe headed out.

"So Charlie, ever since you woke up from that coma you seemed quite cooperative with us, it's not that it's bad but I'm quite curious" Clara said picking up a paper and a pen and placing it on the table.

"Because you aren't the ones doing this to me, it's pointless to ask you when you're the victims here" I replied as she looked at me confused, she dragged a chair and sat beside the bed.

"What do you mean by we're victims?" She asked "when I was in what you called a coma, I could hear you- no I could see everything, I saw how you cried, how Zoe and Atlas were frustrated, you didn't want any of this either" I replied.

Clara looked shock "s- so what else did you see?" She asked, I told her everything I saw and she was speechless.

"I- I don't know- this isn't supposed to happen- I don't think" she closed her eyes for a moment "I gotta tell Atlas about this but for now we have to continue with our session" she said.

After a while of doing the same thing I did with Clara I could already move my arms and fingers the way I wanted.

After a while Clara finally decided to stop, she left the tv series on and left the room.

I kept watching, turns out the main character's brother isn't dead but he turned into a villain.

After it was done my eyes closed as I fell asleep to only be waken up moments later by Atlas, the room was still dark which got me confused.

"Sorry to wake you, we need to talk since it's already happening" he said "happening?" I asked trying to slowly get up "what you said to Clara earlier, I'm pretty sure it isn't a normal dream and you know that well" he replied.

"So you'll finally give me some answers?" I asked "well, I have to, you already saw it when you were in a coma, we aren't the bad people, we are forced to do this just as you are" he replied.

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